Foreclosure Protections in New York for Reverse Mortgage Borrowers

New York law requires the bank to send a 90-day notice to reverse mortgage borrowers before starting a foreclosure, as well as offer the opportunity to participate in a settlement conference.

By , Attorney University of Denver Sturm College of Law
Updated 6/28/2024

Borrowers usually don't have to repay a reverse mortgage until they die, move, or sell the home. But the bank can also call the loan due if the borrower violates the mortgage contract terms, like by not paying taxes or insurance or failing to keep the property in good condition. The bank can then foreclose if the borrower doesn't correct the problem or pay the loan back in full.

These kinds of defaults, especially tax and insurance shortfalls, can often be resolved if brought to the borrower's attention early in the process. Yet, reverse mortgages were previously excluded from New York's law requiring:

  • a 90-day preforeclosure notice, which would notify the borrower about the issue, and
  • a mandatory settlement conference, which gives the borrower the opportunity to work out a resolution with the bank.

Now, thanks to legislation that went into effect in 2018, reverse mortgage borrowers facing a foreclosure get both a 90-day notice and the right to a settlement conference.

How Reverse Mortgages Work

With a regular, forward mortgage, the borrower gets a lump sum and makes monthly payments covering principal and interest to repay the loan. On the other hand, with a reverse mortgage, which the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) usually insures, known as a "Home Equity Conversion Mortgage" (HECM), the borrower gets payments from the lender, which become the loan. The payments to the borrower may be in the form of a lump sum (subject to some limitations), monthly payments, a line of credit, or a combination of monthly installments and a line of credit.

90-Day Preforeclosure Notice for New York Foreclosures

For both forward mortgages and reverse mortgages, New York law requires the lender or servicer to send a notice to the borrower 90 days before starting a foreclosure. The notice must provide, among other things, information about how to cure the default and a list of government-approved housing counseling agencies located near the borrower. (N.Y. Real Prop. Acts. Law § 1304).

Contents of the Letter: Reverse Mortgages

If the mortgage is a reverse mortgage, the 90-day notice must explain the type of default that triggered the foreclosure, like:

  • failing to occupy the home as a principal residence
  • failing to submit a required annual certificate of occupancy
  • death of the named borrower
  • failing to pay property taxes, along with information about any tax payments that the servicer paid
  • failing to maintain homeowners' insurance, along with information about any lender-placed insurance
  • failing to pay water or sewer charges, along with information about payments the servicer paid for these items, and
  • failing to make required home repairs. (N.Y. Real Prop. Acts. Law § 1304).

Additionally, if the default is due to the borrower's failure to pay property taxes, water and sewer charges, or to have homeowners' insurance, the letter must say that the borrower can cure (resolve) the alleged default by repaying the servicer for any amounts it paid.

The notice also must include information about:

  • the right to dispute the default
  • the availability of possible grants, loans, or repayment plans that might allow homeowners to cure certain defaults (for example, the state's Mortgage Assistance Program)
  • available HUD programs that might allow a non-borrowing spouse to remain in the home following the borrower's death, and
  • extensions available for seniors over 80 with long-term illnesses. (N.Y. Real Prop. Acts. Law § 1304).

What Happens If the Borrower Doesn't Cure the Default

If the borrower doesn't resolve the matter within 90 days of the notice date, the servicer may begin a foreclosure (sooner if the borrower doesn't live in the home as a primary residence).

Settlement Conferences for Owner-Occupied Properties in New York

For foreclosure actions involving owner-occupied properties, New York law requires the court to hold a mandatory settlement conference within 60 days after the servicer files proof with the court that the borrower received the complaint and summons, the first official step in a New York foreclosure. (N.Y. Civ. Prac. Laws & Rules, Rule 3408).

When it comes to reverse mortgages, the conference is required when the foreclosure is triggered by anything other than the death of the last surviving borrower, like a tax or insurance delinquency. Even if the foreclosure is due to the last surviving borrower's death, the court must hold the conference if:

  • the last surviving borrower's spouse is a resident of the property being foreclosed or
  • the last surviving borrower's successor in interest, who, by bequest (though a will) or through intestacy (without a will), owns, or has an ownership claim to the property being foreclosed, and is a resident of the property at the time the last surviving borrower dies. (N.Y. Civ. Prac. Laws & Rules, Rule 3408).

At the settlement conference, the lender and homeowner attempt to reach a mutually agreeable way to avoid foreclosure. For more information on settlement conferences in New York, go to the New York State Unified Court System website.

New York Law Also Requires Lenders to Notify the DFS Borrowers of an Impending Foreclosure

To protect vulnerable senior citizens in the state, New York legislators passed a law regulating lenders' activities after borrowers default on HECMs. The law requires lenders to notify the state's Department of Financial Services (DFS) about an imminent reverse-mortgage foreclosure.

Lenders also have to:

The law took effect on April 14, 2021.

Getting Help

Hiring a lawyer to represent you at a settlement conference or during a reverse mortgage foreclosure is often a good idea. A lawyer can help you negotiate a way to avoid foreclosure, protect your legal rights in the foreclosure process, and advise you about potential defenses to the foreclosure.

You might also consider consulting with a HUD-approved housing counselor to learn more about foreclosure avoidance options.

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