Pennsylvania Wage Garnishment Laws

With few exceptions, wages are protected from garnishment in Pennsylvania.

Updated by , Attorney University of Denver Sturm College of Law
Updated 4/09/2024

A "wage garnishment," sometimes called a "wage attachment," is an order requiring your employer to withhold a certain amount of money from your pay and send it directly to one of your creditors. In most cases, a creditor can't garnish your wages without first getting a money judgment from a court. For instance, if you're behind on credit card payments or owe a doctor's bill, those creditors can't garnish your wages unless they sue you and get a judgment.

Some creditors, however, like those you owe taxes, federal student loans, child support, or alimony, don't have to file a suit to get a wage garnishment. These creditors have a statutory right to take money directly out of your paycheck.

But creditors can't seize all of the money in your paycheck. Different rules and legal limits determine how much of your pay can be garnished. For example, federal law places limits on how much judgment creditors can take. The garnishment amount is limited to 25% of your disposable earnings for that week (what's left after mandatory deductions) or the amount by which your disposable earnings for that week exceed 30 times the federal minimum hourly wage, whichever is less. (15 U.S.C. § 1673).

Some states set a lower limit for how much of your wages are subject to garnishment. In Pennsylvania, garnishments aren't allowed except for certain situations, like for child or spousal support, back rent on a residential lease, and student loans.

What Are the Limits on Wage Garnishment in Pennsylvania?

Again, federal law places limits on wage garnishment amounts. But Pennsylvania law is stricter, allowing wage garnishments only for:

  • child or spousal support
  • obligations relating to a final divorce distribution
  • board for four weeks or less
  • certain kinds of taxes
  • student loans
  • court-ordered restitution in criminal matters, and
  • back rent on a residential lease. (In this situation, a garnishment is limited to 10% of net wages, and the garnishment can't cause your salary to fall below the federal poverty guidelines. If your earnings aren't above the federal poverty guidelines, garnishment isn't permitted. Also, a garnishment for damages to the property isn't permitted if the lessee is a victim of domestic abuse.) (42 Pa. Cons. Stat. § 8127, 42 Pa. Cons. Stat. § 8128).

Limits for Child Support, Federal Student Loans, and Unpaid Taxes

If you owe child support, federal student loans, or taxes, the government or creditor can garnish your wages without getting a court judgment for that purpose.

Garnishment Limits for Unpaid Child Support

Since 1988, all court orders for child support include an automatic income withholding order. The other parent can also get a wage garnishment order from the court if you get behind in child support payments.

Federal law limits this type of wage garnishment. Up to 50% of your disposable earnings may be garnished to pay child support if you're currently supporting a spouse or a child who isn't the subject of the order. If you aren't supporting a spouse or child, up to 60% of your earnings may be taken. An additional 5% may be taken if you're more than 12 weeks in arrears. (15 U.S.C. § 1673).

Pennsylvania law follows federal law for child support garnishments. (23 Pa. Cons. Stat. § 4348(g), 23 Pa. Cons. Stat. § 3703). To learn more about child support laws in Pennsylvania, visit the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services website.

Garnishment Limit for Federal Student Loans in Default

If you're in default on a federal student loan, the U.S. Department of Education or any entity collecting for this agency can garnish up to 15% of your pay. (20 U.S.C. § 1095a(a)(1)). This kind of garnishment is called an "administrative garnishment."

But you can keep an amount that's equivalent to 30 times the current federal minimum wage per week. (Remember, federal law protects the level of income equal to 30 times the minimum wage per week from garnishment.) (15 U.S.C. § 1673).

Garnishment Limits for Unpaid Taxes

The federal government can garnish your wages (called a "levy") if you owe back taxes, even without a court judgment. The weekly exempt amount is based on the total of the taxpayer's standard deduction and the aggregate amount of the deductions for personal exemptions allowed the taxpayer in the taxable year in which such levy occurs. Then, this total is divided by 52. If you don't verify the standard deduction and how many dependents you would be entitled to claim on your tax return, the IRS bases the amount exempt from levy on the standard deduction for a married person filing separately, with only one personal exemption. (26 U.S.C. § 6334(d)).

States and local governments might also be able to garnish your wages to collect unpaid state and local taxes. Under Pennsylvania law, garnishments by the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue can't exceed 10% of your net wages, and your wages must be above poverty guidelines. (72 Pa. Stat. § 10003.15).

How to Protect Your Wages From Garnishment

If you receive a notice of a wage garnishment order, you might be able to protect or "exempt" some or all of your wages by filing an exemption claim with the court or raising an objection. The procedures you need to follow to object to a wage garnishment depend on the type of debt that the creditor is trying to collect, as well as the laws of your state.

You can also stop most garnishments by filing for bankruptcy. Your state's exemption laws determine the amount of income you'll be able to keep. (If you're unable to pay your bills, learn which debts get wiped out in Chapter 7 bankruptcy.)

Restrictions on Job Termination Due to Wage Garnishments

Complying with wage garnishment orders can be a hassle for your employer; some might prefer to terminate your employment rather than comply. Federal law provides some protection for you in this situation. Under federal law, your employer can't discharge you if you have one wage garnishment. (15 U.S.C. § 1674). But federal law won't protect you if you have more than one wage garnishment order.

Some states offer more protection for debtors. Pennsylvania follows federal law. (42 Pa. Cons. Stat. § 8127).

Getting More Information on Pennsylvania Wage Garnishment Laws

This article provides an overview of Pennsylvania's wage garnishment laws. You can find more information on garnishment in general at the U.S. Department of Labor website.

For information specific to your situation or to get help objecting to a garnishment, contact a local debt relief attorney.

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