Virginia Wage and Hour Laws

Virginia rules on employee overtime, wage and hour law, and fair pay.

Updated by , J.D. University of Missouri School of Law
Updated 9/27/2024

What is the minimum wage in Virginia?

The minimum wage in Virginia is $12.00 per hour in 2024.

Is the minimum wage different in Virginia for tipped employees?

The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) allows employers to pay a lower hourly minimum wage, as long as that wage plus the tips the employee earns adds up to at least the full minimum wage for each hour worked. If not, the employer has to make up the difference.

In Virginia, state law allows employers to pay tipped employees an hourly wage of the minimum wage less tips actually received.

However, federal law provides more protection. Employers who are subject to the FLSA must follow must pay a wage of at least $2.13 an hour. If the employee doesn't earn enough in tips to bring their total pay up to at least the full minimum wage, the employer must make up the difference.

(For more information, see Nolo's article Tips, Tip Pooling, and Tip Credits.)

When am I entitled to earn overtime?

Virginia has no overtime laws, although you may be eligible for overtime pay under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. To learn more, see Nolo's article Overtime Pay: Your Rights as an Employee and contact the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry.

Am I entitled to a lunch or rest break?

Virginia does not require employers to provide lunch or rest breaks. However, you are entitled to be paid if you have to do any work during a break (for example, if you have to cover the phones while you eat lunch). And, generally, you are entitled to be paid for any short breaks (five to 20 minutes) your employer provides; this time is considered part of your work day.

To learn more about wage and hour laws in Virginia, contact the state Department of Labor and Industry.

What are wage and hour laws?

Wage and hour laws set the basic standards for pay and time worked, covering issues like minimum wage, tips, overtime, meal and rest breaks, what counts as time worked, when you must be paid, things your employer must pay for, and so on.

Where do wage and hour laws come from?

The federal wage and hour law is called the Fair Labor Standards Act. Most states also have their own wage and hour laws, and some local governments (like cities and counties) do, too.

An employer who is subject to more than one law must follow the law that is most generous to the employee. For example, the federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour, but employers in states that have set a higher minimum wage must pay the higher amount.

Contact an Employment Law Attorney

If you need legal advice regarding Virginia's minimum wage, overtime, or other wage and hour laws, consult an employment law attorney.

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