Adding Positive Information to Your Credit Report

You should add information showing stability and unreported positive accounts to your credit report. Here's how.

By , Attorney UCLA School of Law
Updated 5/07/2024

In addition to disputing incorrect or incomplete information and adding explanations for negative information a credit reporting agency won't remove from your credit reports, you might want to ask the credit reporting agency to add information that makes you look more creditworthy. This information usually includes:

  • information demonstrating your stability and
  • positive account histories that are missing from your report.

Does the Credit Reporting Agency Have to Add the Information?

The credit reporting agency (CRA) doesn't have to add information unless it's needed to correct something in your file or something in your file is incomplete. Sometimes the line between something being incomplete, or missing entirely, is a bit gray. You might want to ask the creditor to add some of the items listed below when you dispute incorrect or incomplete items.

Adding Information Showing Stability

Creditors like to see evidence of stability in your file. If any items listed below are missing from your file, consider contacting the credit reporting agencies asking the agency to add that information. You can make your request by mail or online.

Include any documentation that verifies the information you're providing, such as copies (never originals) of your driver's license, a canceled check, a bill addressed to you, or a pay stub showing your employer's name and address. Remember to keep copies of all correspondence.

Types of Information That Show Stability

Some information you might want to add include:

  • Your current employment, including your current employer's name and address and your job title. You might wisely decide not to add this information if you think a creditor might sue you or a creditor has a judgment against you. Current employment information could be a green light for a wage garnishment.
  • Your previous employment, especially if you've had your current job for fewer than two years. Include your former employer's name and address and your job title.
  • Your current residence, and if you own it, say so. Again, don't do this if you've been sued or think a creditor might sue you. Real estate is an excellent collection source.
  • Your previous residence, especially if you've lived at your current address for fewer than two years.
  • Your phone number, particularly if it's unlisted. If you haven't given the credit reporting agencies your phone number, consider doing so now. A creditor that can't verify a phone number might be reluctant to grant credit. On the other hand, once it's in your credit reports, any debt collector who wants to collect from you will be able to reach you. If you're not ready to deal with debt collectors, you might not want to add a phone number.
  • Your date of birth because a creditor will probably not grant you credit if it doesn't know your age. But creditors also can't discriminate against you based on your age.
  • Your Social Security number.

What's the Likelihood That the CRA Will Add Stability Information?

Credit reporting agencies are most likely to add information about jobs and residences because creditors use that information in evaluating credit applications. They will also add your telephone number, date of birth, and Social Security number because those items help identify you and lessen the chances of "mixed" credit files—getting other people's credit histories in your file.

Why This Positive Information Might Not Be in Your Credit Reports

Credit reports often don't include accounts you might expect to find. There are a few reasons why this happens.

Creditors Send Information to One CRA Only

Some creditors will send account information to one, but not all three, nationwide credit reporting agencies.

If one report has credit information missing, send a copy of the complete report to the other agencies and ask the agency to include the missing information in your file. If you've worked hard to clean up one report, you'll also want the others to reflect accurate information.

The Creditor Doesn't Report to CRAs

Your report might also be missing accounts. This kind of omission can happen if your local bank or credit union doesn't provide information to credit reporting agencies. If you're in this situation, try the following:

  • Ask the CRA to add the information. Send a copy of a recent account statement and copies of canceled checks (never originals) or other proof of payment showing your payment history. Then, ask the credit reporting agencies to add the information to your file. The nationwide credit reporting agencies themselves don't specifically say that they will add accounts to your report if you (not the creditor) report them or whether they will charge you to do so. But it doesn't hurt to try.
  • Ask the creditor to report the information. Another possibility is to ask the creditor directly to report your account information to the reporting agency. Creditors and credit reporting agencies generally have existing contracts. So, if a creditor isn't already providing information to the credit reporting agency, it might not want to spend the resources necessary to do so just for your account. But again, it's worth a try.

Talk to a Lawyer

The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act is the law that requires consumer reporting agencies (also called "credit bureaus") to maintain an accurate file of your credit information. Creditors who report your information to the consumer reporting agencies must also be truthful and accurate. The FCRA tells the credit bureaus and creditors what they can report and how long it can legally appear on your credit reports.

If you have questions about the FCRA or need help dealing with a credit reporting agency, consider talking to a consumer protection attorney or debt relief lawyer.

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