What Paperwork Must I Give Buyers of My House That's in a Homeowners' Association?

Purchasers of property in a common interest development will want to view the CC&Rs, financial records, and more.

By , Legal Editor
Updated 5/24/2024

If you are planning on selling a house that's within a common-interest community governed by a homeowners' association (HOA), be prepared to add an important task to the predictable ones of finding an agent (most likely), advertising and marketing, cleaning out your things, and getting ready to move. You will also need to gather various important documents to share with potential homebuyers. Now is a good time to start getting organized, as described below.

List of Documents to Give Purchasers of Condo, Townhouse, or Other Home in Common Interest Development

Be prepared for prospective buyers to request lots of paperwork related to your homeowners' association; or to provide them the documents even if they don't ask, because this might be required by your state's law.

Here are key items you'll in all likelihood need to provide copies of to either potential or serious buyers:

  • your HOA's Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and related documents, such as bylaws, rules, and regulations
  • any special writeups of restrictions affecting properties in your association, such as with regard to parking, pets, or rental of the unit
  • recent association financial statements and budgets (to help the buyers research whether the HOA is solvent or whether they should expect their monthly dues to rise significantly)
  • the amount and use of monthly association and maintenance fees
  • current and planned special assessments against the property (fees above and beyond the regular dues, used for projects benefiting all homes in the association or for major emergency repairs)
  • certification that any improvements you made to your home were approved by the association, and
  • the association's master insurance policy.

To save time and energy searching for papers at the last minute, ask your real estate broker early on what homeowners' association documents and materials you will need to provide buyers. These are typically spelled out in the standard contracts real estate agents use for the purchase of a house.

If you keep good records (and have a well-run homeowners' association), you might already have much of the paperwork you need in your files. You are likely to also need to contact your homeowners' association for copies of recent documents.

For More Information

See Organizing Paperwork for Your Home Sale for more on getting organized.

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