New-Home Construction Defects in Texas: Buyer's Rights Against the Builder

How can you use Texas laws to recover against a developer that delivered a home that contained defects or that didn't meet the specifications in your purchase contract?

By , Attorney Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
Updated 9/06/2024

Perhaps you've spotted a wonderful deal on a not-yet-built, supposedly state-of-the-art house in Texas. Unfortunately, big promises from the builder do not mean that the final product will be perfect, or even what you expected. You might find problems after finalizing the purchase and moving in. Perhaps the air-conditioning is weak, the tiles in the kitchen are improperly installed, or the builder misrepresented the size or scope of the home, promising you four full bathrooms when the home contains only three and a half.

Such problems are commonly known as "construction defects." They make living in the home less satisfying than you'd hoped for, and in some cases require expensive repairs and remodeling. Defects like these also lower the value of your home, should you want to sell someday. How can you use Texas laws to recover against your developer?

Hiring an Attorney With Experience in Texas Construction Law

Home development contracts can be complex. Not only are the laws involved complex, but many builders are parts of statewide or nationwide corporations with teams of attorneys to defend them. You cannot be expected to win this fight on your own.

If you believe that significant defects exist in your newly built Texas home, you should consult a local attorney–preferably one with experience in Texas real estate or construction–about your situation.

Suing a developer is different from filing a small lawsuit against a home contractor, for example, which can often be handled without an attorney in Texas's Small Claims Court. This type of action is ideal for a small dispute, such as with a painter who failed to complete a specific task. A lawsuit against a developer is likely to be a larger project, one that would best an handled with an attorney's assistance.

Hiring an Expert in Construction

Some construction defects are obvious. Your builder charged you a fixed price for a house with two floors and a swimming pool, but built you a one-story house with no pool.

Other construction defects will not be quite as clear to the naked eye. For example, what if the builder used a low-quality wood to construct the stairs? Or did not use proper methods to support the deck? These sorts of problems are serious, and lower the value of the home. But to detect them, you might need to invest in an engineering inspection. If you are considering filing a lawsuit against your Texas builder, your attorney might recommend a so-called "expert report," which will lend objective credibility to your allegations.

Claiming Breach of Contract Against a Texas Builder

Ultimately, your lawsuit against your developer is about its breach of a promise: to deliver you the home that was described it to you. Buying a newly constructed house is a process that generates lots of paperwork, particularly if the house is within a new planned community. Your builder or developer in all likelihood gave you extensive materials describing your new property. You and the builder would have needed to sign a written contract outlining your payment and the builder's promise to construct the home to certain specifications.

If you end up having to file a lawsuit against your Texas builder, part of your claim will be that it breached this agreement; in other words, it did not give you what it promised to. All of the materials the builder gave you, including photos, descriptions of the home inside and out, plans and drawings, and emails describing the work, will be useful to establishing your expectations at the time you entered into the contract.

For example, if the various documents clearly show that you thought you were getting a home with a stucco exterior, and the finished exterior is cheap vinyl siding, this demonstrates the builder's breach.

One law you'll need to watch out for, however, is Texas's four-year statute of limitations for breach of contract, under Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 16.004(a)(3). This means that claims based on a contract with the builder must be brought within this period, or they are barred.

However, discovery of the defect can toll (delay) the limitation period in some situations. When a homeowner could not have reasonably discovered the existence of the breach until after the three-year period–for example, if the lights go out after four years because the builder used low-quality wiring and the homeowner couldn't have reasonably known about it (especially likely, with wires being hidden behind walls)–a court might allow the action to proceed.

Claiming Negligence Against a Texas Builder

Breach of contract isn't the only basis upon which you might sue your homebuilder. Another useful legal theory is that of ordinary negligence. In this context, the relevant negligence would be the builder's failure to exercise the correct standard of care in building your home.

To establish a claim for home-construction negligence in Texas, the person filing suit must establish that:

  • a particular duty was imposed on the builder or developer by law
  • the builder failed to conform to that legally imposed standard
  • there was a causal link between the failure to meet the standard of care and the resulting construction defect, and
  • you suffered actual economic damages as a result of the injury to your Texas home.

You'll have 10 years after the substantial completion of the improvement to bring an action, if you can show that damage arose from a defective or unsafe condition of the property or a deficiency in the construction or repair. (See Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 16.009.)

Check Your Contract for Mediation, Arbitration, and Shortened Claim Periods

You and your attorney should carefully read the language of your home purchase contract. There are a few clauses to watch out for before filing a lawsuit. First, it is common in construction contracts in Texas and elsewhere to find a dispute resolution clause.

A dispute resolution clause might say that you were required to go to mediation with your builder or developer before filing suit. In this context, mediation means a facilitated negotiation for settlement, led by a third-party neutral individual. Often, that individual will have some relevant experience, most likely with construction law, engineering, or building development.

Your contract might also contain an arbitration clause. This clause would require that you go to arbitration against the builder or developer instead of litigation in a court of law. In arbitration, either one or three individuals–again, typically with experience in construction–will render a final determination on your dispute. The advantage of arbitration is that it is typically quicker than litigation, saving you money on legal fees. A potential disadvantage, however, is that the arbitrator's decisions ordinarily cannot be appealed.

Finally, take note of any aspects of the contract that shorten your statute of limitations or ability to make claims. It is not uncommon for construction contracts to shorten the amount of time you have in which to file a legal claim against your builder.

Seek Legal Assistance

An attorney with experience in construction defect litigation in Texas will be able to carefully review the document for these sorts of limitations and help strategize how to best seek compensation from your builder or developer.

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