Improving Credit After Bankruptcy or Foreclosure

If you've filed for bankruptcy or recently gone through a foreclosure or short sale, it's important to know what effect those events will have on your credit score and credit report. When can you get another mortgage, car loan, or credit card?

In the case of bankruptcy, the hit to your credit is somewhat dependent on how good your credit was before bankruptcy. If you had good credit, your score will take a bigger hit than if your credit was already in the dumps. As for foreclosure, when you can get new credit depends, in part, on the reason for losing your home. If it was due to the recent economic recession, and not poor financial decisions, you may be able to get a new mortgage or car loan sooner. (You can see if you qualify for a car loan after your bankruptcy.)

Below you can find out how each of these negative events will affect your credit, when you can qualify for new loans, and what steps you can take to start rebuilding your credit.

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