How Much Money You Need to Be Eligible for a U.S. Student Visa (F-1 or M-1)

In order to successfully obtain an F-1 or M-1 student visa to the United States, you will need to show that your education will be fully financed and all your day-to-day living expenses will be covered.

By , Attorney University of Pittsburgh School of Law
Updated 3/22/2024

In order to successfully obtain an F-1 or M-1 student visa to the United States, you will need to show that your education will be fully financed and that all your day-to-day living expenses (including for any spouse or children who plan to come to the United States with you) will be paid without your having to work in the United States. In this article, we'll look at what that involves, including:

  • how much time in the United States your financial resources are expected to cover
  • what sources of financial support the U.S. government will accept as counting toward your ability to pay
  • how much your U.S. studies are likely to cost, and
  • a caution regarding transferring money to the United States.

We won't be discussing the separate matter of how much it costs to obtain a U.S. student visa, but it will involve application fees and related costs, such as for travel to a U.S. consulate if you're required to attend an interview.

How Much Money You'll Need to Show Depends on the Length of Your U.S. Study Program

If you will be in the United States on an F-1 visa, your existing financial resources must clearly cover a 12-month academic term, and you must be prepared to prove that your further years of study will be covered, as well. The U.S. government does not expect you to be able to pay for all your years of education the day you get your F-1 visa, but it will expect you to show where the money will eventually come from.

If you will be in the United States on an M-1 visa, your financial resources must cover your entire 12-month (or shorter) study term.

If you have a spouse and children who will not be coming with you to America, and you normally support them, you may also be asked how they will be supported while you are away from home studying in the United States.

Possible Sources of Financial Support Prospective Foreign Students Can Show

Your financing can come from your own resources or from support by family, friends, or scholarships. It can include personal funds, personal assets or property that is readily convertible to cash, or a scholarship or specified funds from other persons or organizations.

Although F-1 students are permitted to work during their student years under certain circumstances (usually at on-campus jobs or internships after the first academic year), you will not be allowed to rely on this type of work to prove your visa eligibility unless it is an on-campus graduate research or teaching position (usually called a "graduate assistantship") that is part of your academic program.

In fact, you probably will not find out until you get to the United States what type of work you will be able to get. The permitted work will probably be low-paying or a small part of your study program in any case—most likely a position in a place like the school cafeteria or library.

You will need to prove to the U.S. government that your financial resources are real and reliable at the time you submit your application for a student visa. For instance, you might need to provide copies of recent bank statements and proof of assets and family employment.

How Much Will Studying in the U.S. Actually Cost?

Tuition alone (the fee to attend school) can be high in the United States, ranging from about $10,000 a year at public or state schools to around $55,000 a year at a prestigious private college or university. Graduate and professional schools—even public ones—can be even more expensive.

You will probably want to look for sources of aid, such as scholarships, graduate assistantships, fellowships, or loans. International students cannot receive financial aid from sources supported by the U.S. government. That means that most schools, having few non-federal alternatives, cannot offer much financial aid directly to international students. Your school might, however, be able to help you locate other sources of aid.

To do advance research, go to the websites of the National Association of Foreign Student Advisors, the International Student Organization (ISO), and the Institute of International Education (IIE).

Beware of services that offer to research possible scholarships for you at a cost. Many of them go to the same resources that are available to you for free—and some commit outright criminal frauds. For more information on the scams, see the U.S. Federal Trade Commission's website.

Find Out How Much Money You Can Legally Take Out of Your Country

Some countries place a limit on the amount of money that you can take outside of it. The U.S. government is aware of these restrictions and will not grant you a visa if they don't think you'll be able to transfer sufficient funds to pay for your education. Talk to other foreign students or a lawyer in your home country to find out whether there is a way to legally get around this.

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