State Agencies That Enforce Fair Employment Laws

By , J.D. University of Missouri School of Law

To learn about your state's fair employment laws, or to file a workplace discrimination complaint, you should contact your state's fair employment practices agency (FEPA). Where no special agency has been designated to enforce antidiscrimination laws, your state's department of labor or the closest office of the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) can provide assistance. Each state's FEPA (or main EEOC office) is listed in the chart below.

This list only includes state agencies and EEOC offices. Your city or county may have its own set of fair employment ordinances. To learn more, contact someone within your local government, such as your county clerk's office. Local offices of the Small Business Administration or the chamber of commerce can also be good sources for information about local laws.

State Agency
Alabama Equal Employment & Civil Rights Division – Department of Human Resources
Alaska Commission for Human Rights
Arizona Civil Rights Division – Attorney General
Arkansas EEOC – Little Rock Area Office
California Civil Rights Department
Colorado Civil Rights Division – Department of Regulatory Agencies
Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities
Delaware Office of Anti-Discrimination – Division of Industrial Affairs
District of Columbia Office of Human Rights
Florida Commission on Human Relations
Georgia Commission on Equal Opportunity
Hawaii Hawaii Civil Rights Commission
Idaho Idaho Human Rights Commission
Illinois Department of Human Rights
Indiana Civil Rights Commission
Iowa Civil Rights Commission
Kansas Human Rights Commission
Kentucky Commission on Human Rights
Louisiana Commission on Human Rights
Maine Human Rights Commission
Maryland Commission on Civil Rights
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination
Michigan Department of Civil Rights
Minnesota Department of Human Rights
Mississippi Equal Opportunity Department – Department of Employment Security
Missouri Human Rights Commission
Montana Human Rights Bureau – Department of Labor and Industry
Nebraska Nebraska Equal Opportunity Commission
Nevada Equal Rights Commission
New Hampshire Commission for Human Rights
New Jersey Division on Civil Rights – Office of the Attorney General
New Mexico Human Rights Bureau
New York Division of Human Rights
North Carolina Employment Discrimination Section – Civil Rights Division
North Dakota Human Rights Division – Department of Labor and Human Rights
Ohio Civil Rights Commission
Oklahoma Civil Rights Enforcement Unit – Office of the Attorney General
Oregon Civil Rights Division – Bureau of Labor and Industries
Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission
Rhode Island Commission for Human Rights
South Carolina Human Affairs Commission
South Dakota Division of Human Rights – Department of Labor and Regulation
Tennessee Human Rights Commission
Texas Civil Rights Division – Texas Workforce Commission
Utah Antidiscrimination and Labor Division – Labor Commission
Vermont Civil Rights Unit – Attorney General's Office
Virginia Office of Civil Rights – Office of the Attorney General
Washington Human Rights Commission
West Virginia Human Rights Commission
Wisconsin Equal Rights Division – Department of Workforce Development
Wyoming Labor Standards Office – Department of Workplace Services

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