Are Assets Split 50/50 in a Divorce?

If you're getting divorced, you might think that your marital property will have to be divided equally with your ex. But that's not always true.

By , Legal Editor
Updated 10/10/2022

Most people facing a divorce have a lot of worries. If you have children, they'll probably be your biggest concern. But right behind will be questions about money and property. A lot of people assume that everything has to be split 50/50 with their ex. That's often what happens—but not always. In fact, the laws in most of the United States allow judges to distribute a couple's property unequally in divorce, as long as the division is fair.

Property Division Basics

In every divorce, a couple's property and debts must be divided between them. But in most states, each spouse will keep their own separate property, and they'll be responsible for their own separate debts. (Learn about the difference between marital and separate property.)

The rules in your state will mostly determine how your property will be divided in your divorce. The particular circumstances of your marriage and finances may also play a role, as long as state law allows that. And even if you live in one of the few states that require a 50/50 split, you and your spouse may agree on a different way of dividing your property. Although a judge will need to review your settlement agreement before granting a divorce, judges typically approve property agreements unless they're obviously unfair.

State Rules on Property Division

Basically, states have two different approaches to the ownership and division of marital property: equitable division or community property.

Equitable Division States: Splitting Property Fairly

In most states, the laws on marital property and divorce use what's known as the "equitable division" rule. But remember that equitable doesn't always mean equal. Instead, judges must consider the specific circumstances in each divorce before deciding on a fair way to split the couple's assets and debts.

Community Property States: 50/50 Ownership

In nine states in the U.S., the law typically presumes that both spouses share joint ownership and control of any property that either one of them has, acquires, or accumulates during the marriage—unless that property qualifies as separate property.

Usually, that means the judge will split the community property 50/50 between the spouses when they get divorced. But even in some community property states, the law requires or allows judges to divide a divorcing couple's assets unequally, as long as the distribution is fair. For example:

  • In California and Nevada, judges must divide a couple's community property equally, but Nevada law allows an exception if the judge finds a "compelling reason" for an unequal division. (Cal. Fam. Code § 2550; Nev. Rev. Stat. § 125.150 (2022).)
  • In Texas, judges are simply required to divide spouses' community property in a way that's "just and right." (Tex. Fam. Code § 7.001 (2022).)
  • Even though Washington is a community property state, its requirements for dividing community property in divorce are similar to those in states that follow the equitable division rule. Judges must distribute the spouses' property and debts in a "just and equitable" way after taking into account "all relevant factors," including the length of the marriage, the parties' economic circumstances, and whether a spouse with primary physical custody of the children should keep the family home. (Wash. Rev. Code § 26.09.080 (2022).)

How to Justify an Unequal Property Split in Your Divorce

Even though the laws in the vast majority of states don't require a 50/50 property split in divorce, judges typically prefer a roughly equal division in most cases. As a practical matter, it's usually easier to see that it's fair when each spouse walks away from the marriage with close to the same amount of marital assets (minus debts).

So if you're arguing for a different result in your divorce, you'll need to provide evidence that your proposed property division would be equitable because of specific financial and other circumstances in your marriage. And if you're going to court, you'll almost certainly need a divorce lawyer to help gather that evidence and make that argument before a judge.

But even if you're hoping to reach a property agreement with your spouse, you'll be in a stronger negotiating position when you know what a judge might decide in the event that you and your spouse can't resolve your disputes. That means understanding the laws in your state and the factors judges must consider when cases go to trial. Learn more about dividing property during divorce and how to reach a property agreement.

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