Lisa Azoory

Attorney · University of Illinois Chicago School of Law

Lisa Azoory is a practicing workers’ compensation attorney in Chicago, Illinois. She represents both injured workers and employers at the administrative and appellate levels and has significant trial experience throughout Illinois.

After completing her law degree, Lisa obtained her Master’s Degree in Intellectual Property at the John Marshall Law School in Chicago.

Prior to law school, Lisa earned a Bachelor’s degree in American History at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

Articles By Lisa Azoory

Settling Your Workers' Compensation Case in Missouri
Learn how and when to settle your Missouri workers' comp case.
How Much Are Workers' Compensation Benefits in Hawaii?
Learn about the benefits you may receive for a work-related injury or illness, and how Hawaii calculates the amount of those benefits.
Settling Your Workers' Compensation Case in Illinois
In Illinois, there are different ways to settle a workers’ comp case, and many injured workers don’t realize that they’re eligible for settlement. Determining when to settle a worker’s compensation claim, and for how much, is not always a simple task.
Settling Your Workers' Compensation Case in Tennessee
Settlement is on every injured worker’s mind at some point during their Tennessee worker’s compensation case. A settlement is an agreement between an injured worker and employer to close out the worker’s comp case in exchange for a sum of money. In most cases, settlements are paid in a lump sum.