Diana Fitzpatrick

J.D. · New York University School of Law

Diana Fitzpatrick is a former Legal Editor at Nolo who specialized in small business, tax, and nonprofit law. She is a graduate of Barnard College and New York University School of Law

Early career. Diana started her career in New York City where she lived and worked before moving to the Bay Area in 1990. Her first job after law school was as an associate at the New York law firm of Wilkie, Farr & Gallagher, where she worked in the corporate and securities department. After moving to San Francisco, she worked at the San Francisco City Attorney's Office as a deputy city attorney in the bond department. 

Nolo. Diana joined Nolo in 2003 after taking a few years off work to be at home with her two young children. She was drawn to Nolo with its mission to help people navigate the law and find solutions to their problems or answers to their questions. She enjoyed making legal information more accessible to all and working with some of Nolo’s long-time writers on business, nonprofit, and tax books.

Other pursuits. Diana serves as President of the Western States Endurance Run Foundation and is a volunteer coach at San Quentin State Prison and a Marin County high school.

Articles By Diana Fitzpatrick

California Extends First-Year $800 Minimum Franchise Tax Exemption to LLCs, LPs, and LLPs Through 2023
January 1, 2021. California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the state’s 2020 Budget Act on June 29th. The new spending plan includes measures aimed at supporting small businesses struggling in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
How To Collect Your Money in a Small Claims Case
If you've won your case in small claims court but the judgment debtor is refusing to pay, it's time to learn how to collect a money judgment. This article explains how to use wage garnishments, bank levies, and other collection tools to collect from individuals and businesses. You'll also learn about the special techniques needed to collect from public and government agencies.
How to Sue Minors in Small Claims Court
It's common to wonder if you can sue a minor in small claims court or another forum. Although you might successfully sue a minor for property damage, you likely will find it challenging to collect your winnings. Also, it's difficult to sue a minor for breach of contract because minors can disavow (back out of) any contract they sign as long as they do it before they turn 18. Learn more about when someone can sue a minor in court.
Suing a Former Tenant for Unpaid Rent
Landlords can sue former tenants who have already moved out for unpaid rent or when the security deposit isn't sufficient to cover the amount. Find out more about whether you can get sued for not paying rent and learn about the situations in which a landlord can sue a former tenant for unpaid rent in court.
Raising Private Money: Gifts, Loans, and Equity Investments
A tighter lending market means you may need to think outside the box to get your hands on business capital. Money from relatives and friends can supplement the business financing you're receiving from other sources -- or even fill a critical gap in starting up your business. There are three main options for raising money from family and friends: gifts, loans, and equity investments.
How to Dissolve a Corporation
Learn the basic steps for dissolving a corporation in your state.
How to Get a Small Business License in California
The Golden Bear state is home to many entrepreneurs who must decipher how to get a small business license in California.
How to Get a Small Business License in Florida
When starting a new business in Florida, you will need to examine state, county, and municipal regulations on obtaining a business license.
Can I Change the Name of My LLC?
Changing your LLC's name isn't difficult but make sure you understand the process and the follow up work required.
Funding Your LLC
An essential element of starting a successful Limited Liability Company (LLC) is properly funding your LLC. Many new bu