Celeste Bacchi

Attorney · UC Law San Francisco

Celeste Bacchi is a practicing attorney and legal writer, specializing in capital defense, criminal appellate and habeas litigation, and civil rights cases. She has worked for more than 11 years as a post-conviction attorney for death-sentenced inmates in Florida and California. Before becoming an attorney, she worked in the nonprofit sector as an education reform and literacy advocate.

Celeste is an avid world traveler and volunteer, and is the cofounder of a nonprofit focused on improving access to justice for underserved immigrant and indigenous communities. Celeste is a 2002 graduate of UC Law San Francisco.

Articles By Celeste Bacchi

Getting Immunity in Exchange for Testimony
There are two kinds of immunity. Learn when a witness can take the Fifth and what type of immunity a prosecutor might offer in exchange for their testimony.
What Happens When Jurors Sleep or Don't Pay Attention?
You wouldn't know it from watching TV, but courtrooms aren't always exciting. What happens if a juror falls asleep or doesn't pay attention? Will the defendant get a new trial?
Preservation of Evidence in Criminal Cases
The government has a duty to preserve certain types of evidence it collects during criminal investigations and prosecutions.
Joint Trials for Codefendants
A joint trial of codefendants (also known as “joinder”) occurs when a judge merges the cases of two or more defendants.
What kind of community service can a judge order?
Community service, also known as community
What Immunity Means for a Witness
Immunity from prosecution is an important tool for prosecutors. They can offer immunity to witnesses for all types of crimes, even serious ones like kidnapping and murder.
Continuances in Criminal Cases
A continuance is a grant of additional preparation time before or during a trial.
Discrimination in Jury Selection
During jury selection in a criminal trial, the prosecution and defense have the opportunity to remove potential jurors whom they don’t want on the jury.