Cara O'Neill

Attorney · University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law

Cara O'Neill is a legal editor at Nolo, focusing on bankruptcy and small claims. She also maintains a bankruptcy practice at the Law Office of Cara O’Neill and teaches criminal law and legal ethics as an adjunct professor. Cara has been quoted in bankruptcy, finance, small claims, and litigation articles by news outlets that include USA Today, CNBC, U.S. News & World Report, Nerd Wallet, and Yahoo Finance.

Cara received her law degree from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, where she graduated a member of the Order of the Barristers—a highly-selective honor society that gives national recognition to top law school graduates demonstrating excellent skills in trial advocacy, oral advocacy, and brief writing.

Working at Nolo. Cara started writing for Nolo as a freelancer in 2014 and became a full-time legal editor in 2016. She has authored a number of Nolo self-help legal books, including How to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, The New Bankruptcy, Everybody's Guide to Small Claims (national version), and Everybody's Guide to Small Claims in California. She also co-authors and edits Solve Your Money Troubles and Credit Repair and has written hundreds of articles for,,, and

Early legal career. Before joining Nolo, Cara spent 20 years working as a trial attorney litigating criminal and civil cases. She also served as an administrative law judge mediating disputes between auto manufacturers and dealerships and began teaching law as an adjunct professor in 2004. She added bankruptcy to her practice after the 2008 financial downturn.

Origins of litigation and writing career. Thanks to her mother, Cara’s advocacy training began early and involuntarily. In junior high school, she took second place two years running in the local Optimist Club speaking competition. She also successfully competed on her high school speech and debate team for several years, eventually serving as president of the same. During law school, she competed on a nationally ranked ABA moot court team for two years (and was recruited for a third, but declined) and served as a law journal editor.

Articles By Cara O'Neill

Filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: Basic Steps
When filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your case should move forward predictably. Here's a summary of what's involved in a typical Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Overview
Chapter 7 bankruptcy eliminates debts without requiring filers to repay creditors. It's the quickest bankruptcy chapter, usually taking four months to complete. Chapter 7 is also the cheapest bankruptcy chapter to file, making it the preferred choice of bankruptcy filers. Learn how Chapter 7 bankruptcy works, how to qualify by passing the Chapter 7 means test, and what will disqualify you from filing Chapter 7. You’ll also learn about the debts eliminated in bankruptcy, Chapter 7 exemptions that will protect your property, and the steps in a Chapter 7 case.
What Are Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Debt Limitations?
If you're planning on filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you'll have to meet the Chapter 13 debt limits. If your debt exceeds Chapter 13 debt limitations, you won't qualify. This article explains the Chapter 13 unsecured debt limit, secured debt limit, and the temporary limits imposed by the Bankruptcy Threshold Adjustment and Technical Corrections Act ("BTATC"). Find out how much debt you're currently allowed to have in a Chapter 13 case.
How to Pay Off a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Early
Paying off a Chapter 13 bankruptcy early is very unusual because creditors are entitled to receive all disposable income for the life of the Chapter 13 plan. However, it isn't impossible. If you receive a raise or another windfall, expect to pay more than required in the original plan. In some instances, you can exit Chapter 13 if your financial situation worsens. Ultimately, filers can get out of Chapter 13 bankruptcy early if they can pay off their debt or prove a financial hardship.
I owe tuition, room, and board to my former college. Can I discharge this debt in bankruptcy?
If tuition, room, and board debt is not a loan, you can discharge it in bankruptcy.
What Is Nonexempt Property in Bankruptcy?
Find out about assets that you won't be able to exempt (protect) in bankruptcy.
Can I Keep a Second Home in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
In most cases, if you have equity in a second home, vacation home, or house you use as an investment, you won’t be able to keep it if you file for
Which Business Debts Are Discharged in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Find out whether Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy will wipe out your business debt.
What Happens If My Bankruptcy Discharge Is Revoked?
Most debtors file for bankruptcy to eliminate their debts and obtain a fresh financial start. Your bankruptcy discharge wipes out your personal liability for most types of debt. But if you are not completely honest in your bankruptcy papers or fail to follow all the rules, the court can revoke your discharge
Tips for Surviving Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Follow these tips to ensure successful completion of your Chapter 13 bankruptcy case.