Barbara Kate Repa

Lawyer and Journalist

Barbara Kate Repa, a lawyer and journalist, wrote and edited for Nolo from 1988 to 2010, specializing in workplace rights, estate planning, and end-of-life issues. She worked on Nolo's Quicken WillMaker and is the coauthor of Your Rights in the Workplace. She currently works as a legal expert on aging, healthcare, and end-of-life issues.

Articles By Barbara Kate Repa

What if My Disability Check Isn't Enough?
Some benefits and income will decrease your SSDI check, while others will not.
If Your Wages Are Garnished: Your Rights
Your wages can be garnished if you owe child support, alimony, student loans, or back taxes, or if a court judgment has been entered against you.
When Should Elders Stop Driving?
For many older people, and their loved ones, determining when they are no longer safe on the road is a difficult and heart wrenching process.
Disabilities Covered by Social Security Disability Benefits
To collect Social Security disability benefits, your condition must meet the legal definition of a disability.
State Laws on References and Statements By Former Employers
Many states regulate what an employer may say about a former employee—for example, when giving a reference to a prospective employer. Does your state make employers immune from liability for statements they make in a reference?
Wrongful Termination: Gathering Documentation
If you lose your job, protect your legal rights with documentation.
Federal Labor Laws
Learn about the federal laws that regulate the relationship between management and unions.
State Laws on Insurance Continuation
In addition to the federal COBRA law, state laws also give employees the right to continue health insurance after a job ends.
Your Right to a Reasonable Accommodation Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The ADA gives employees with disabilities the right to reasonable accommodations that will allow them to do their jobs.
Arbitration Pros and Cons
Whether you've signed a contract with mandatory arbitration language buried within or are considering arbitration as an alternative to litigation, it pays to learn the pros and cons of arbitration.