Qualifying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)  provides payments to workers with disabilities who've paid into the Social Security trust fund through FICA taxes (or self-employment taxes) over the years. When you pay into the Social Security program, you're essentially buying long-term disability insurance coverage. Once you've paid into the program for a specified period, you could be eligible for benefits if you have to stop working due to a disability. (SSDI payments are usually higher than payments from Supplemental Security Income, a need-based program for low-income elderly, disabled, and blind people.)

The SSDI program has specific requirements, based on age, for the number of years you need to have worked and how recently you need to have worked to qualify for SSDI. Learn about these eligibility requirements, how Social Security makes disability determinations, and how to file for disability benefits.

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