Nebraska Driving Laws for Seniors and Older Drivers

Learn about driving provisions and special programs focused on keeping both Nebraska's older drivers and roadways safe.

Updated by , Attorney University of Arkansas School of Law
Updated 5/20/2024

In Nebraska, more than 166,500 licensed drivers are age 70 and older; nearly 10,000 Nebraska drivers are age 90 and older.

While the myriad rules and regulations enforced by the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) apply to drivers of all ages and stages, the state imposes some special requirements and restrictions on older drivers.

Nebraska state rules are explained in more detail below, but a number of them focus on identifying and handling older drivers who may have become unsafe.

Specifically, Nebraska:

  • requires drivers age 72 and older to renew their licenses in person, and
  • accepts requests from family members and others for the DMV to conduct unsafe driver investigations.

License Renewal Rules for Older Drivers

Special rules apply to drivers who are 72 and older who seek to renew their licenses.

Time limits: All drivers must renew every five years; those 72 and older must renew in person.

Vision test: Required at in-person renewal. DMV personnel will conduct a test free, or drivers can have an exam performed by an outside ophthalmologist or optometrist, who must complete a Statement of Vision and conduct the exam within 90 days of the renewal request.

Written test: May be waived in the discretion of DMV personnel.

Road test: May be waived in the discretion of DMV personnel.

Possible License Restrictions

The DMV can place restrictions or conditions on a person's driver's license after administering a driving test and discussing possible restrictions with him or her.

The most common restriction for older drivers is to require glasses or corrective contact lenses.

In Nebraska, other common requirements the DMV may impose on older drivers include:

  • mechanical aids on the vehicle
  • vehicle equipped with automatic transmission
  • outside mirrors on the vehicle
  • no nighttime driving
  • no interstate driving
  • vehicle equipped with automatic turn signals
  • driving within a specified geographic area
  • driving not to exceed a specified speed, and
  • other restrictions specified by the DMV.

How to Request an Unsafe Driver Investigation in Nebraska

The Nebraska DMV will accept information from anyone with personal knowledge that a driver may be unsafe behind the wheel.

Those concerned that a driver's physical or mental condition may affect the ability to drive safely can complete a Citizen Examination Report and mail it to the Driver Licensing Division specified on the form. A person filing a report can specify that it must be kept confidential.

How to Get a License Reinstated

For information on how to get back a license that has been suspended or revoked in Nebraska, contact one of the DMV Driver Licensing Offices located throughout the state.

How to Get Parking Placards or License Plates for a Disabled Driver

Disabled person parking permits and license plates can be issued to drivers with impaired mobility if a licensed medical practitioner certifies the condition.

The placards and plates are available for those who have:

  • a visual impairment limiting the ability to travel more than 200 feet unassisted
  • a physical impairment limiting the ability to travel more than 200 feet unassisted
  • respiratory problems limiting personal mobility
  • a severe cardiac condition, or
  • permanent loss of all or substantially all of the use of one or more limbs.

To obtain a disabled parking permit or plate:

Learn More About Nebraska Driving Rules for Seniors

The DMV website has a wealth of information for Nebraska drivers.

Of special interest is the "Driver's Manual," which includes information on driving regulations as well as explanations of rules of the road—and is available in both written and audio versions.

The Nebraska Office of Highway Safety (NOHS) also maintains a page on "Older Drivers" containing information on how aging may affect driving skills, along with safety tips and local resources for senior drivers. There are a number of organizations in Nebraska that can conduct "competency tests" for older drivers. There is also a list of state-approved Driver Training School.

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