Is Your Dog Tax Deductible?

Learn about circumstances under which dog-related expenses are tax deductible.

By , J.D. USC Gould School of Law
Updated 3/06/2024

Dogs can be expensive—pet food costs, veterinary bills, and other expenses can really add up. Plus, the cost of buying and training a dog in the first place can be costly.

Unfortunately, dog expenses are ordinarily personal expenses that aren't tax deductible. However, in some instances, your dog can save you money on your taxes.

Service Dogs for the Disabled Are a Deductible Medical Expense

Seeing-eye dogs used by the blind and other service dogs used by the disabled are a deductible medical expense. You must register the dog with an agency declaring it is a service animal.

If you do so, you can deduct as an itemized medical deduction expenses such as pet food, training, medication, and vet bills.

Guard Dogs for Businesses Can Be Deducted as a Business Expense

If you use a guard dog to guard your business premises, you can deduct the cost as a business expense. However, you can't claim your family pet is a guard dog. It should be a certified guard dog and be a member of a traditional guard dog breed, such as a Rottweiler, German Shepherd, or Doberman Pinscher.

If you used a certified guard dog for your business, you can take a current deduction for the cost of dog food, vet bills, training, and other expenses of keeping the dog. However, the cost of the dog itself must be depreciated over seven years or deducted in one year using IRS Code Section 179.

Professional Dog Breeders May Deduct Business-Related Expenses

A person in the business of breeding and selling dogs may deduct all their business-related expenses, just like any other business. This category would include things like dog food and veterinary care, as well as rent, advertising, and other business expenses.

The breeding activity must be a legitimate business, not a hobby.

Farm Dogs Are Deductible as a Business Expense

A farmer or shepherd who uses a dog to herd or guard cattle, sheep, pigs, or other farm animals can deduct the cost of keeping the dog as a business expense. The cost of the dog itself must be depreciated over seven years or deducted in one year using IRS Code Section 179.

Donations to Dog Charities Might Be Deductible

If you donate money or property to a tax-exempt dog shelter or other tax-exempt charity that helps dogs, you may deduct the amount as a charitable deduction if you itemize your deductions. If you donate property, you can deduct the fair market value of the item. For example, if you donate dog food, you can deduct the price of the food.

However, you may not deduct:

  • an adoption fee or adoption donation you make to adopt a dog
  • the value of the time you spend volunteering at a dog shelter or
  • the value of donating space in your home to rescue or foster dogs.

Expenses Incurred While Volunteering for a Shelter or a Dog-Related Nonprofit

You can deduct unreimbursed expenses you pay out of your own pocket while volunteering for a dog shelter or other dog-related nonprofit. For example, if you use your car to help deliver supplies for a shelter, you can claim unreimbursed parking fees, tolls, and gas or deduct a flat rate for each mile you drive. If you foster dogs in your home, you may deduct reasonable expenses you pay, such as dog food expenses and veterinary bills.

Getting Help

If you need more guidance about tax deductions, talk to a tax professional, such as a certified public accountant or a tax attorney.

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