COVID-19 California Eviction Moratoriums (Bans) and Tenant Protections

Learn about eviction moratoriums in California during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Updated 9/06/2022

Emergency COVID-19 measures rushed into place by Federal, state and local governments created a confusing patchwork of tenant protections. Now as the Pandemic winds down, many of these protections have as well. The main Federal eviction moratorium expired in July 2021, and California's eviction moratorium ended for almost all tenants in June, 2022. Still, a significant amount of local tenant protections remain, and tenants should check whether their city or county have eviction moratoriums or related measures in place (see Local Emergency Ordinances below).


There are no COVID-19 related Federal restrictions on eviction.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau maintains a helpful webpage of resources for tenants.


California Tenant Relief and Rental Housing Recovery Acts (expired)

In September 2020 the California Legislature hastily passed the California COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act of 2020 (CA Relief Act) to stop landlords from evicting residential tenants suffering COVID-related financial hardships, and on 1/28/21 enacted Senate Bill No. 91 COVID-19 Relief: Tenancy and Federal Rental Assistance (SB 91), which added rental assistance. Effective 6/30/21 AB 832 (the "Rental Housing Recovery Act") provided additional money to reimburse landlords 100% of unpaid rent incurred by qualifying tenants.Landlords and tenants could apply for assistance via a program called Housing Is Key. The statewide eviction moratorium expired on 9/30/21 for tenants who had not applied for rental assistance.

Limited eviction bans remain depending on when the unpaid rent was due:

  • For rent that was due 3/ 1/20 -- 8/31/20: Tenants who provided a Declaration of COVID-19-Related Financial Distress to their landlord cannot be evicted based upon the unpaid rent that was due between those dates;
  • For rent that was due 9/1/20 -- 9/30/21: Tenants who provided the above declaration AND paid at least 25% of the rent due during that period by 9/30/21 also cannot be evicted based upon the unpaid rent that was due between those dates.
  • Beginning 10/1/21 tenants were again expected to pay full rent and were subject to eviction for not doing so - unless they had applied for rental assistance (see below).

    Via the AB-2179 extension the legislature temporarily protected until June 30, 2022, tenants who had submitted applications for rental assistance

    • Until 6/30/22 tenants who applied for Housing is Key couldn't be evicted for non-payment while their application was pending, but could still be evicted for other reasons like causing a nuisance, etc.
    • Applications for Housing is Key closed on 4/1/22.
    • Tenants who were denied assistance could be evicted.
    • The extension only applied to rent due before 4/1/22. Tenants are expected to pay 100% of rent due from 4/1/22 going forward.

      LOCAL EMERGENCY ORDINANCES (and commercial tenant protections)

      Although the statewide moratoriums ended on June 30, 2022 for nearly all tenants, local emergency ordinances still may apply. In fact, some cities and counties (for example, Fairfax, San Diego, San Rafael, Pomona, Novato and Marin County) have created new temporary protections to address the June statewide expiration.

      Early in the pandemic, Gov. Gavin Newsom allowed individual cities and counties to protect residential and commercial tenants suffering COVID-19 related financial hardships. Over 150 local entities quickly enacted ordinances banning either residential or commercial evictions, or both. Intended as short-term "stop-gap" measures, all of these local ordinance were created prior to the statewide protections, and most of them expired on 9/30/20. Still, although the statewide moratorium was meant to replace the remaining local ordinances, roughly 40 local ordinances are still in effect:

      • Residential tenants in cities or counties with unexpired local tenant protection ordinances may be protected from eviction (including for reasons other than non-payment of rent) and/or rent increases.
      • Many remaining local emergency eviction moratorium ordinances also protect commercial tenants.

      Check the chart below to see whether your city or county enacted an emergency ordinance, whether it's still in effect or been renewed, and if so what type of tenants it protects.

      If a Local Ordinance Exists:

      • Under most (but not all) local ordinances, you must have suffered a COVID-19 related substantial decrease in household or business income because of a layoff; reduction of work or business hours; decreasing demand; medical and childcare-related expenses; or from complying with any government response to COVID-19 (sheltering in place, etc.).
      • Prepare to prove your hardship. Most ordinances make tenants document COVID-19 financial difficulties with (for example) letters from an employer citing COVID-19 reduced work hours, termination, or other reductions; paycheck stubs and/or bank statements showing a post-outbreak pay cut; bills for out-of-pocket medical expenses; and/or documents showing the closure of a school or child care facility where a child would otherwise be during working hours.
      • Don't assume you are automatically protected. Almost all ordinances make you notify your landlord in writing that you can't pay rent - in many cases when or even before the rent is due. "In writing" generally includes emails or texts to your landlord or the landlord's representative when you have previously communicated via those methods. Ask for written confirmation that your landlord received your notification.
      • These ordinances are eviction moratoriums, not rent moratoriums. You are still responsible for unpaid rent, so try to negotiate a reasonable payment plan with your landlord.
      • Generally, landlords can still serve notices and file eviction actions. Most of these ordinances provide special defenses that tenants must raise.

      For All Tenants:

      Landlord-tenant law has become incredibly complex. If you've been served with legal documents, you must take action to avoid being evicted-in some cases as quickly as three days! Contact an attorney or a tenants' rights organization as soon as possible.

      CAUTION! This article and the ordinance chart below were last updated on 9/6/22, but this area of law is rapidly evolving. These local moratoriums change frequently, and many are contingent on states of emergency or related short-term authorizations. The material here can give you a broad idea of tenant protections - and protections apparently still in effect are listed in bold - but check your county and city government web pages and the actual ordinances/laws for the most recent information.

      owner/relatives to move into a unit, an eviction may be authorized when a tenant's occupancy is a threat to public health and safety..

      County/City Protection(s) Source and Expiration
      Alameda (City of)

      Moratorium on evictions of residential and commercial tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Also bans residential no-fault evictions for owner move-in or capital improvements.

      Current freeze on rent increases for residential rent controlled units (e.g., pre-1995 multi-family units, but not single-family homes, condos or Section 8) slated to end on 5/1/22. Landlords may notify tenants of increases beginning 5/1/22 and then raise rents 30 days later by up to 2.7%.

      Incentive to delay increases: Landlords may use any rent increases deferred during the local moratorium to raise rents up to 8% total provided they voluntarily delay those increases until 60 days after the city ends the local state of emergency (current end date is unknown).

      Landlords who choose to raise rents up to 2.7% on or after 5/1/22 are barred from further rent increases for 12 months.

      See, Alameda Rent Program FAQ for more information.


      RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL EVICTIONS DUE TO OR DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC.... Effective 4/21/20 through 30 days after the end of the local emergency.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      Alameda County (unincorporated areas AND cities within Alameda County that have not enacted-or do not have- stronger moratoriums in place)

      Temporary moratoriums on all residential evictions (with limited exceptions), on evictions of tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents.

      Tenants must notify landlords in writing within 30 days after rent is due, and provide documentation within 45 days of landlord's request. Tenants have up to 12 months to pay back-due rent. Landlords cannot charge late fees or interest, and must recover past-due rent as consumer debt. Landlords/ lenders must include a designated notice and copy of the ordinance with any notice of termination.

      Rent freeze in place on all rent-controlled units through 60 days following the end of the local emergency.

      Ordinance No. 0-2020-23. URGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 0-2020-14. Ordinance effective 4/24/20.

      7/14/20 Ordinance Amending Sections 6.120.030 and 6.120.040.

      On 7/28/20 the board extended the moratorium until the expiration of the local emergency is lifted.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      Baldwin Park Emergency moratorium on all residential evictions for tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Residential no-fault evictions are also banned "unless necessary for the health and safety of the tenants, neighbors or landlord." Tenants must notify landlords within 7 days before rent is due and document inability to pay.

      3/17/20 Baldwin Park Director of Emergency Services Temporary Moratorium on Evictions. Effective for the duration of the local emergency. Check local government for details.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)


      Emergency moratorium on all no-fault evictions of residential and commercial tenants regardless of cause, except health and safety risks. Failure to notify landlord of inability to pay does not waive eviction defense. Tenants must inform landlord of "covered reason for non payment" within 7 days after rent is due, and provide documentation of inability to pay within 45 days of landlord's request or 30 days after the emergency ends. Tenants must repay all back due rents within 12 months of expiration of emergency, and landlords cannot charge collection fees or interest. (Note: Per the CA Relief Act, the repayment period must start on/before 3/1/21 and end by 3/31/22).

      Landlord and tenant can agree to discounted rent for tenancies starting on or before 9/1/20 without reducing the unit's lawful rent ceiling under the rent control ordinance.

      Subject to State law (Cal. Civ. Code. § 1951.2) tenants may end lease early for either COVID-19 financial reasons, or if they are a student at a school with canceled or reduced in-person classes. Tenants and landlords may negotiate early lease terminations.

      3/17/20. Urgency Ordinance Adopting BMC Chapter 13.110, the COVID-19 Emergency Response Ordinance.

      5/26/20. URGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13.110 OF THE BERKELEY MUNICIPAL CODE. Effective through the duration of the local emergency.

      4/3/20 amended 8/28/20: Board Regulation 1017.5 Agreements Regarding Discounted Rent....

      City Ordinance No. 7,720-NS. Early lease termination.

      Cerritos Emergency moratorium on all residential and commercial evictions for tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Tenants must also repay unpaid amounts within 12 months of the local emergency's expiration.

      4/13/20 City of Cerritos Director of Emergency Services Executive Order No. 2020-01. Effective through duration of local emergency.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      Cloverdale See Sonoma County.
      Concord Emergency moratorium on all commercial evictions for non-payment of rent for tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents.

      Note: Concord's first moratorium, which covered both residential and commercial tenants, was in effect 3/25/20 through 9/30/20.

      Concord enacted a second commercial moratorium on 1/12/21 effective until 90 days after the Governor lifts the state of emergency.

      Corte Madera Emergency ordinance banning residential evictions for non-payment of rent for tenants experiencing COVID-19 related financial distress..

      Urgency Ordinance No. 1021. Effective 8/16/22 through 9/30/22

      Fairfax Emergency ordinance banning residential evictions without cause for tenants experiencing COVID-19 related financial distress. Tenant must provide a declaration that the tenant is unable to pay within 15 days after receiving notice demanding payment of rent.


      7/1/22 through 9/30/22.


      Emergency moratorium on all residential (including mobile homes) and small-scale commercial evictions for tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Tenants "should" notify landlords before rent is due, but must notify landlords in writing and document inability to pay within 5 days after being served with a Notice of Termination. Remains in effect for 6 months following end of the emergency, with the eviction moratorium ending 30 days after the expiration of declared emergency.

      Landlords can't impose late fees or serve a 5-day notice provided within 90 days after the local emergency expires, tenant repays 50% of overdue rent and expenses; and within 180 days has repaid all outstanding overdue rent and expenses accrued during the emergency. Landlords cannot charge late or collection fees. Here is more information. (Note: Per the CA Relief Act, the repayment period must start on/before 3/1/21 and end by 3/31/22).

      Executive Orders establishing emergency Eviction Moratoriums on Residential and Small Business Evictions. Ratified by council on 3/27/20.

      Effective for the duration of local state of emergency, plus 30 days (moratorium), plus 6 months (payback period).

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      See also, Alameda County for additional protections.

      Fresno, City of

      Emergency moratorium on evictions of residential and commercial tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Commercial tenants are additionally protected when they close voluntarily or pursuant to official mandate " prevent or reduce the spread of COVID-19". All tenants must notify landlords in writing of inability to pay rents, then have 7 days from notification to provide documentation.TResidential tenants have 6 months and commercial tenants have 90 days starting from the 6/9/22 expiration of the local emergency to pay past-due rent.

      The Eviction Protection Program provides qualifying tenants with mediation and free legal counsel.

      An Emergency Ordinance of the City of Fresno Adding Section 2-514 to the Fresno Municipal Code Regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency. Effective 3/19/20 for 30 days unless extended.

      Extended on 4/16/20 for the duration of the local emergency, which ended 6/9/22, plus 6 month/90 day repayment period.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      Healdsburg See Sonoma County.
      Larkspur Emergency moratorium on all residential evictions for non-payment of rent for tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Tenant must provide a
      Declaration of COVID-19-related financial distress to the landlord within 15 days after receiving notice demanding payment of rent.


      Effective 7/1/22 through 9/30/22.

      Long Beach See Los Angeles County
      Los Angeles (City of)

      For residential tenants, moratoria on 'endeavoring to evict' for:

      1. COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents during emergency period and for 12 months thereafter;
      2. No-fault evictions during emergency period;
      3. Unauthorized occupants, pets or COVID-related nuisance activities during emergency period;
      4. "Ellis Act" move-in and removal from market terminations until 60 days after the termination of the local emergency.

      Landlords must provide notice of the ordinance, and tenant should notify their landlord in writing no later than 7 days after the rent due date that they cannot pay rent due to COVID-19. Tenants must pay the amount owed by 8/31/23 or 12 months after the local emergency period ends, whichever date comes first.

      During and for 12 months after the local emergency expires, landlords cannot increase rent on properties subject to LA's Rent Stabilization Ordinance (tenants can check whether their unit is rent controlled at

      "Private right of action" allowing tenants to sue landlords who don't comply with the ordinance for civil penalties up to $15,000 per violation.

      Moratorium on evictions of commercial tenants unable to pay rents due to circumstances similar to those under the COVID-19 residential moratorium during the emergency period and for 3 months thereafter. Excludes multi-national and publicly trade companies, and companies with 500+ employees. Commercial tenants have up to 3 months post-emergency to repay any back rent.


      Los Angeles Municipal Code Sections 49.99 - 49.99.9.

      3/30/20 "rent freeze" on rent controlled properties.

      5/6/20 Ordinance amending Article 14.6 in its entirety, adding "private right of action" allowing tenants to sue landlords who violate eviction protections (Section

      Effective for the duration of the local emergency plus 12 months.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      Los Angeles County, including all cities countywide unless they have already adopted their own moratoria.

      Protections for Commercial tenants expired 1/31/22, due to a reinstated State law preemption concerning commercial tenancies.

      Residential tenants facing eviction for nonpayment due to COVID-19 financial hardship between 4/1/20 and 3/31/22 are covered by the statewide eviction moratorium.

      Phase I (2/1/22 - 5/31/22): Beginning February 1, 2022, existing protections were extended through 5/31/22, where not preempted under State law; effective 4/1/22, eviction protections were reinstated for all residential tenants, including "an affirmative defense for nonpayment of rent due to COVID-19 financial hardship for rent incurred on or after April 1, 2022;" eligible households could self-certify financial hardship to establish an affirmative defense in unlawful detainer actions. Rent increases and pass-throughs were banned on rent-stabilized units. No-fault evictions (including for reasonably denying entry to a landlord, nuisance, unauthorized pets or roommates) were also limited.

      Phase II (6/1/22 - 12/31/22): On June 1, 2022 the purchase date and COVID-19 restrictions for owner move-ins ends; evictions for denying entry to a landlord resume, protections for nuisance, unauthorized occupants or pets remain; the rent increase freeze for residential properties in the unincorporated areas is extended; eviction protections continue, including creating an affirmative defense, related to nonpayment of rent due to COVID-19 financial hardship for rent incurred on/after 4/1/22 is amended to apply to households with income levels at 80% Area Median Income.

      Tenant must provide landlord with notice of inability to pay rent within 7 days of when rent is due, every month that rent is due. More information and notice forms are available at

      Expanded owner "move-in exception" allows property owners and/or qualifying family members to move into up to two units as their principal residence(s), in single family homes, condominium units, mobile-home spaces, duplexes and/or triplexes purchased by property owners on/before 6/30/21, provided certain exceptions are met.This date restriction ends on 6/1/22.

      Anti-harassment and retaliation protections are also extended for the duration for both residential and commercial residents.

      3/19/20 County Chair Executive Order. Resolution Amending Executive Order, 4/14/20. Resolution of the Board of Supervisors Amending and Restating Executive Order, 6/3/20. The moratorium started retroactively on 3/4/20.

      9/28/21 Changed the name to "the County of Los Angeles COVID-19 Tenant Protections Resolution" amended and extended through 1/31/22.

      1/25/22 amended and restated the resolution to implement Phase I and Phase II. Effective 2/1/22 through 12/31/22 for residential tenants. Commercial protections expired 1/31/22.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)b

      Manhattan Beach Check local government for details.

      Effective 3/31/20 through the end of the local emergency.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      Maywood Check local government for details.

      Effective 3/31/20 through the end of the local emergency.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      Monrovia Emergency moratorium on all residential and commercial evictions for tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Also includes no-fault evictions unless health/safety threatened. Tenants must notify landlords in writing within 7 days after the due date and document inability to pay within 30 days after. Tenants must repay unpaid amounts within 6 months of the expiration of the local emergency, but landlords are banned from charging late fees. Here is more information. (Note: Per the CA Relief Act, the repayment period must start on/before 3/1/21 and end by 3/31/22).

      3/31/20. Ordinance No. 2020-04U. An Urgency Ordinance of the City of Monrovia, California, Adopting Emergency Regulations Prohibiting Residential Evictions. E

      4/7/20. Ordinance No. 2020-05-U extending protections to commercial tenants

      Effective 3/31/20 through the end of the local emergency.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      Marin County (unincorporated portions) Bars evictions of residential tenants for nonpayment of rent due to the on-going impact of the Public Health Emergency arising from COVID-19 from 7/1/22-9/30/22. Tenants must provide landlords with a Declaration of COVID-19 related financial distress within 15 days after receiving notice demanding payment of rent.

      Resolution No. 2022.___

      Effective 7/1/22 through 9/30/22

      Moorpark Emergency moratorium on all residential and commercial evictions for tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Tenants must notify landlords in writing within 30 days after rent is due and document inability to pay. Tenants must also repay unpaid amounts within 90 days of the emergency's expiration, and landlords cannot charge late or collection fees. (Note: Per the CA Relief Act, the repayment period must start on/before 3/1/21 and end by 3/31/22).

      3/19/20 City of Moorpark Executive Order No. 20-01...Imposing Emergency Regulations Related to Residential and Commercial Tenant Evictions. Effective through 5/31/20.

      06/02/20 Executive Order No. 2020-06 extending moratorium through end of local emergency.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      Novato Emergency moratorium on all residential evictions for tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Tenants must provide landlords with a "Declaration of COVID-19-related financial distress" within 15 days after rent is due and document inability to pay. Tenants must also repay unpaid amounts within 90 days of the emergency's expiration, and landlords cannot charge late or collection fees.

      COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium.

      Effective 6/28/22 through 9/30/22.


      Emergency moratorium on most residential evictions except for tenants who pose .."an imminent threat to the health or safety of other occupants," or Ellis evictions.

      Excludes single family home tenants. Rent increases also capped at 2.7%. Neither tenant's duty to provide notice nor the deadline for repaying back-due rent is specified.

      Emergency moratorium on all commercial evictions for tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Excludes businesses with 100 or more employees. All tenants must repay past due rent; no late fees where inability to pay is due to COVID-19.

      Landlords are further prohibited from evicting a residential or commercial tenant based on nonpayment of rent that became due during the local emergency when the tenant suffered a COVID-19 substantial reduction of income or substantial increase of expenses.

      NOTE: The Alameda County Moratorium likely may apply in Oakland.

      EMERGENCY ORDINANCE imposing a moratorium on RESIDENTIAL evictions, RENT INCREASES, AND LATE FEES during the LOCAL EMERGENCY PROCLAIMED IN RESPONSE TO THE NOVEL coronavirus (COVID-19) PANDEMIC...". Effective 3/27/20.

      Amended 7/21/20. Residential moratorium expires at the end of the local emergency.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      Commercial moratorium expired 9/30/20 per E.O. N-71-20).

      Ojai Emergency moratorium on all no-fault evictions of residential tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Tenants will have up to 6 months post-emergency to repay any back rent.

      3/17/20 City of Ojai Director of Emergency Services Executive Order No. 20-01. Effective for the duration of the local emergency.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      Palo Alto Emergency moratorium on all residential evictions for tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Tenants must notify landlords in writing within 90 days after rent is due and document inability to pay. Tenants are not relieved of obligation to repay past-due amounts, but landlords cannot charge late fees or interest. Tenants subject to no-fault evictions in buildings with 10 or more residences are entitled to between $7,000 and $17,000 in relocation assistance.

      Urgency Ordinance of the City of Palo Alto Relating to a Temporary Moratorium on Residential Evictions for Nonpayment of Rent During the COVID-19 State of Emergency and Declaring the Ordinance to be an Emergency Measure to Take Effect Immediately Upon Adoption. Effective 3/23/20 for 120 days after expiration of the local emergency.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      Pasadena Emergency moratorium on all residential and commercial evictions for tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Tenants must also repay unpaid amounts within 6 months after the moratorium ended on June 30, 2022, and landlords cannot charge late or collection fees. (Note: Per the CA Relief Act, the repayment period must start on/before 3/1/21 and end by 3/31/22).

      An Uncodified Ordinance of the City Council of The City of Pasadena Enacting a Moratorium on Eviction for Non-payment of Rent by Residential Tenants Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Effective 3/17/20 for the duration of the local emergency.

      Moratorium sunset on June 30, 2022.

      Pittsburg Emergency moratorium on all residential and commercial evictions for tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Tenants must notify landlords in writing within 15 days after rent is due and document inability to pay. Tenants must also repay unpaid amounts within 6 months of the emergency's expiration, and landlords cannot charge late or collection fees.

      Urgency Ordinance Regarding Residential Evictions During the COVID-19 Local Emergency (and identical for commercial). Effective 4/6 through duration of local emergency.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      Pleasanton See Alameda County.
      Pomona "Urgency Prohibition" on residential rent Increases.above 4% over current rates, or 80% of the change in the regional consumer price index, whichever is less, on an annual basis, Landlords may petition for higher increases. Just cause for eviction is required. Provides for relocation expenses, civil and administrative remedies.


      Effective date 8/1/22 through an unstated "urgency ordinance period," during which time the city will "further study and analyze" whether a permanent ordinance is warranted.


      Emergency moratorium on residential evictions both for nonpayment of rent due to the financial impact of COVID-19, and other no-fault evictions unless necessary for the health and safety of tenants, neighbors, or the landlord, removal from market (Ellis Act eviction) ort failure to pay rent due between 3/1/20 and 9/30/21 in which case the eviction is subject to AB 832 procedures.

      3/23/21. City of Richmond Urgency Ordinance No. 02-21.

      Effective through the local emergency period plus 60 days.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      San Buenaventura

      Check local government for details.

      3/30/20 until termination of local emergency.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      San Diego, City of

      Temporary moratorium on no-fault evictions for residential tenants during the continued local State of Emergency related to COVID-19. A landlord shall not evict, or endeavor to evict, a tenant where grounds for terminating is not based on any alleged fault by the tenant, except:

      (1) The landlord intends to withdraw all rental units in all buildings or structures on a parcel of land from the rental market and provides all tenants with at least six months written notice;
      (2) The landlord seeks to recover possession to comply with a government or court order that requires vacating the rental unit for safety or habitability or where continued occupancy severely threatens the immediate health and safety of the occupants; or
      (3) The landlord, landlord's parent or child, intend to occupy the unit as their primary residence and the landlord has provided the impacted tenant with at least 90 days written notice of the landlord's intent to occupy the rental unit.

      Residential "No-Fault" Eviction Moratorium to Preserve Tenancies During the Declared
      State of Emergency from COVID-19

      Effective 4/4/22 through 9/30/22 or 60 days after the end of the local state of emergency, whichever occurs first.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      San Francisco (City and County of)

      Moratorium on evictions for residential tenants for non-payment of rent due on or after 4/1/22 not paid due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Also prohibits late fees, penalties, or similar charges on tenants unable to pay rent due to COVID-19. Protections remain in place until the Mayor terminates her COVID-19 Emergency Proclamation. Does not protect against eviction for rental debt incurred prior to 4/1/22.

      Moratorium on evictions of commercial tenants licensed to operate in San Francisco with tax receipts for 2019 of $25 million or less, for rent due 3/16/20 - 9/30/21. Six month forbearance period for tenants with between 50-99 full-time employees. Rebuttable presumption that legally required shutdown merits rent 'forgiveness'.

      Tenants can find detailed information on the SF moratorium here.

      3/13/20 Mayor Breed Executive Order Second Supplement to the Emergency Proclamation, imposing a temporary moratorium on residential evictions....

      3/22/20, Mayor Breed amendments to the temporary moratorium on evictions, followed by 12 additional amendments.

      4/20 SF Ordinance No. 93-20 permanently banning evictions based on non-payment of rent for the period 3/15/20 through 9/30/20

      7/17/20 Emergency Ordinance No. 114-20 temporarily prohibiting rent increases through 10/21/20

      8/25/20 Executive Order Extending Residential Eviction Moratorium through 11/30/20.

      10/6/20 ("backdated" to 9/15/20). Ordinance banning "no-fault" evictions through 3/31/21

      12/1/20 Board of Supervisors extends commercial moratorium through duration of Executive Order N-80-20 (now 9/30/21).

      6/22/21 Board of Supervisors extends moratorium on residential evictions through 12/31/21. However, the statewide residential moratorium 9/30/21 expiration may apply to the SF residential moratorium as well.

      7/20/21 Board of Supervisors adopts rebuttable presumption and rent 'forgiveness' provisions.

      9/7/21 Board of Supervisors adopts six month commercial forbearance period.

      3/11/22 Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to prohibit landlords from evicting residential tenants for non-payment of rent that came due on or after April 1, 2022.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      San Leandro

      See Alameda County.

      San Rafael Emergency moratorium on all residential evictions (including no-fault) for tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Tenants must provide landlords with a "Declaration of COVID-19-related financial distress" within 15 days after rent is due and document inability to pay. Tenants must also repay unpaid amounts within 90 days of the emergency's expiration, and landlords cannot charge late or collection fees.

      Urgency Ordinance of the City Council of the City of San Rafael,
      Pursuant to California Government Code Section 36937(B), Barring Evictions in the City of San Rafael Through September 30, 2022 Due to the Public Health Emergency Arising from COVID-19 (CD)

      Effective 6/18/22 through 9/30/22.

      Sacramento, County of Emergency moratorium on all residential evictions for tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Tenants must notify landlords in writing before rent is due, pay any amount possible, and document inability to pay. Tenants must also repay unpaid amounts within 120 days of the expiration of the statewide emergency, and landlords cannot charge late or collection fees. (Note: Per the CA Relief Act, the repayment period must start on/before 3/1/21 and end by 3/31/22).

      AN ORDINANCE RELATED TO TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF EVICTION OF RESIDENTIAL TENANTS DUE TO IMPACTS OF COVID-19. 3/25/20. In effect 4/24/20 through the duration of the local emergency.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      Santa Ana

      Originally proposed as an urgency ordinance, on 10/5/21 Santa Ana enacted two regular ordinances that prohibit annual rent increases for residential real estate and mobile homes in excess of 3% or 80% of changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), whichever is smaller; provides just cause eviction protections for tenants residing in the unit for more than 30 days; provides $300,000 for an "eviction defense fund" and creates a rent control board and rent registry.

      10/5/21 Ordinance No. NS-XXX Rent Stabilization and Just Cause Evictions.

      Eviction protections under emergency ordinance expired for commercial tenants on 9/30/21.

      Santa Monica

      Emergency moratorium on evictions of rent controlled unit residential tenants subject to qualifying rent increases that become due between 9/1/22 and 1/31/23. Tenants must provide notice and documentation no later than 30 days after rent is due. More information and notice forms are available here.


      Effective 8/23/22 through 1/31/23.

      Santa Rosa See Sonoma County.
      Sebastopol See Sonoma County.
      Sonoma, City of Protects both commercial and residential tenants from evictions due to COVID-19 related financial hardships. Adopts by reference Sonoma County Urgency Ordinance No. 6301. 5/18/20. Ordinance No. 02-2020.
      Sonoma, County of, including all cities and unincorporated areas.

      Emergency moratorium on all evictions of residential tenants in all cities and unincorporated areas. Landlords must have "Just Cause" to evict tenants, limited to either threats to health and safety, or removal of the unit from the market.

      Tenants must assert moratorium as an affirmative defense to eviction, and may institute a civil proceeding for injunctive relief, treble money damages (including damages for mental or emotional distress) plus costs and other remedies. provides useful links and information for both landlords and tenants.

      URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 6301 COVID-19 Eviction Defense Ordinance. Effective 3/24/20

      2/9/21. Urgency Ordinance No. 6337 amending Ordinance No. 6301 to add Just Cause eviction protections.

      In effect '"...for sixty (60) days after the Public Health Emergency and Local Emergency Orders are no longer in effect to permit Tenants to pay Owners all unpaid rent". But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022" (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B), meaning the Just Cause provisions remain in effect until 10/1/22.

      South Pasadena Emergency moratorium on all no-fault evictions of residential and commercial tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Tenants must document inability to pay, and must repay any back due rent within 6 months. (Note: Per the CA Relief Act, the repayment period must start on/before 3/1/21 and end by 3/31/22).

      A Resolution of the City Council of the City of South Pasadena, California, Proclaiming a Local Emergency Due to the Outbreak of COVID-19. Effective 3/19/20 through the duration of the local emergency.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      Sunnyvale Emergency moratorium on all residential evictions for tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Tenants must notify landlords and document inability to pay within 30 days after rent is due. Tenants must also repay unpaid amounts within 180 days after the emergency's expiration. (Note: Per the CA Relief Act, the repayment period must start on/before 3/1/21 and end by 3/31/22). Also see County of Santa Clara for possible stronger protections.

      Emergency Ordinance ...Enacting a Moratorium on Evictions.... Effective 3/12/20 through expiration of the local state of emergency.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      Also, see County of Santa Clara.

      Sunol See Alameda County.
      Vallejo Emergency moratorium on all no-fault evictions of residential and commercial tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Tenants must repay any back due rent. (Note: Per the CA Relief Act, the repayment period must start on/before 3/1/21 and end by 3/31/22).

      3/18/20 Order of the Director of Emergency Services (Vallejo City Manager) Staying Evictions. Effective through the end of the local emergency.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      Walnut Creek None. None. But see Contra Costa County for protections.
      Watsonville Emergency moratorium on all residential and commercial evictions for tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Tenants must notify landlords before rent is due, document inability to pay, and pay any portion tenant is reasonably able to pay. Tenants must also repay unpaid amounts within 6 months of the emergency's expiration. (Note: Per the CA Relief Act, the repayment period must start on/before 3/1/21 and end by 3/31/22).


      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      West Hollywood Residential eviction moratorium on no-fault evictions (except owner/relative move-ins), evictions for nuisance or unauthorized occupants or pets present because of the COVID-19 emergency. Freeze on rent increases for rent-controlled units.

      Expires 12/31/22.

      Windsor See Sonoma County
      Woodland Emergency moratorium on all residential evictions for tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Tenants must notify landlords within 30 days after rent is due and document inability to pay. Tenants must also repay unpaid amounts within 6 months of the emergency's expiration, and landlords cannot charge late or collection fees. (Note: Per the CA Relief Act, the repayment period must start on/before 3/1/21 and end by 3/31/22).

      Ordinance No. 1658. An Urgency Ordinance of the City Council of Woodland Enacting a Temporary Moratorium on Evictions. Effective 3/24/20 through expiration of local emergency.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

      Yolo County, unincorporated areas. Emergency moratorium on all residential evictions for tenants who demonstrate COVID-19 related inabilities to pay rents. Tenants must notify landlords within 7 days after rent is due, pay any amount able, and document inability to pay. Tenants must also repay unpaid amounts within 180 days of the local emergency's expiration, and landlords cannot charge late or collection fees. (Note: Per the CA Relief Act, the repayment period must start on/before 3/1/21 and end by 3/31/22).

      Resolution 20-29 Temporary Moratorium (3/24/20).

      4/21/20 Emergency Ordinance expanding protections.

      Effective for 180 days after the local emergencies are terminated.

      But see: "If the provision in effect on August 19, 2020 … conditioned commencement of the repayment period on the termination of a proclamation of state of emergency or local emergency, the repayment period is deemed to begin on August 1, 2022." (Cal. Civ. Pro.§ 1179.05(B).)

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