State Laws on Deadlines for Returning Security Deposits

In almost all states, landlords must return a tenant's security deposit within a certain amount of time.

By , Attorney UC Berkeley School of Law
Updated 11/14/2023

Here's the amount of time landlords have to return a tenant's security deposit after the tenant leaves. For the specific law in your state, see your state's security deposit statutes. Also, be sure to check state or local rent control or rent regulation laws for any additional related rules.

State Laws on Deadlines for Returning Security Deposits


Ala. Code 35-9A-201

60 days after termination of tenancy and delivery of possession.

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Alaska Stat. §§ 34.03.070, 34.03.120

14 days if the tenant gives proper notice to terminate tenancy; 30 days if the tenant doesn't give proper notice or if the landlord has deducted amounts needed to remedy damage caused by tenant's failure to maintain the property.

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Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 33-1321

14 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays); tenant has the right to be present at final inspection.

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Ark. Code § 18-16-305

60 days

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Cal. Civ. Code § 1950.5

21 days

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Colo. Rev. Stat. §§ 38-12-103, 38-12-104

One month, unless lease agreement specifies longer period of time (which can't be longer than 60 days); 72 hours (not counting weekends or holidays) if a hazardous condition involving gas equipment requires tenant to vacate.

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Conn. Gen. Stat. § 47a-21

21 days, or within 15 days of receiving tenant's forwarding address, whichever is later.

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Del. Code tit. 25, § 5514

20 days

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District of Columbia

14 D.C. Mun. Regs. 309

45 days

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Fla. Stat. § 83.49

15 to 60 days; depends on whether tenant disputes deductions.

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Ga. Code § 44-7-34

30 days

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Haw. Rev. Stat. § 521-44

14 days

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Idaho Code § 6-321

21 days, or up to 30 days if landlord and tenant agree.

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765 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 710/1

30 days after the tenant has vacated or when the tenant's right to possession ended, whichever is later. If landlord doesn't return the deposit in full but fails to provide an itemized damage statement with repair costs and receipts, landlord must return the full deposit within 45 days of tenant's vacating the rental.

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Ind. Code §§ 32-31-3-12, 32-31-3-14

45 days

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Iowa Code § 562A.12

30 days

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Kan. Stat. § 58-2550

14 days after the determination of the amount of any deductions, but in no event longer than 30 days after the end of the tenancy.

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Ky. Rev. Stat. § 383.580

30 to 60 days; depends on whether tenant disputes deductions.

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La. Rev. Stat. 9:3251

1 month

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Me. Rev. Stat. tit. 14, § 6033

30 days (if written rental agreement) or 21 days (if tenancy at will).

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Md. Code Real Prop., § 8-203.1

45 days

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Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 186, § 15B

30 days

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Mich. Comp. Laws § 554.609

30 days

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Minn. Stat. § 504B.178

3 weeks after tenant leaves and landlord receives forwarding address; 5 days if tenant must leave due to building condemnation.

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Miss. Code §§ 89-8-21

45 days

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Mo. Rev. Stat § 535.300

30 days

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Mont. Code §§ 70-24-427, 70-25-202, 70-33-427

30 days; 10 days if no deductions. Landlord need not return the deposit if the tenancy was terminated pursuant to Mont. Code §§ 70-24-427 or 70-33-427 (eviction with a claim for rent and damages), and a landlord has a pending claim in court for actual damages.

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Neb. Rev. Stat. § 76-1416

14 days

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Nev. Rev. Stat. § 118A.242

30 days

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New Hampshire

N.H. Rev. Stat. §§ 540-A:7, 540-B-10

30 days; for shared facilities, if the deposit is more than 30 days' rent, landlord must provide written agreement acknowledging receipt and specifying when deposit will be returned. If no written agreement, 20 days after tenant vacates.

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New Jersey

N.J. Stat. § 46:8-21.1

30 days; within 5 days if tenant has to move out due to fire, flood, condemnation, or evacuation.

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New Mexico

N.M. Stat. § 47-8-18

30 days

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New York

N.Y. Gen. Oblig. Law § 7-108

14 days

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North Carolina

N.C. Gen Stat. § 42-52

30 days; if landlord's claim against the deposit can't be finalized within that time, landlord can send an interim accounting and a final accounting within 60 days of the tenancy's end.

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North Dakota

N.D. Cent. Code § 47-16-07.1

30 days

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Ohio Rev. Code § 5321.16

30 days

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Okla. Stat. tit. 41, § 115

45 days

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Or. Rev. Stat. § 90.300

31 days

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68 Pa. Stat. § 250.512

30 days

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Rhode Island

R.I. Gen. Laws § 34-18-19

20 days

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South Carolina

S.C. Code § 27-40-410

30 days

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South Dakota

S.D. Codified Laws § 43-32-24

2 weeks, and landlord must supply reasons if withholding any portion; 45 days for a written, itemized accounting if tenant requests one.

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Tenn. Code § 66-28-301

No statutory deadline for returning security deposit, but landlord must send notification to the tenant's last known address of the amount of any refund due. If the landlord doesn't receive a response from the tenant within 60 days of sending the notification, the landlord may retain the deposit.

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Tex. Prop. Code § 92.103

30 days. Landlord doesn't need to refund deposit until the tenant gives the landlord a forwarding address. If landlord wants to condition the refund of the security deposit on the tenant's giving advance notice of surrender, landlord must put this condition in the lease, and it must be either underlined or printed in conspicuous bold print.

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Utah Code § 57-17-3

30 days

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Vt. Stat. tit. 9, § 4461

14 days; 60 days if the rental is seasonal and not intended as the tenant's primary residence.

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Va. Code § 55.1-1226

45 days after termination or the date tenant vacates, whichever occurs last; 30 days to itemize any deductions to be made during the course of the tenancy (60 days if the deductions exceed the amount of the security deposit). Lease can provide for expedited processing at the end of the tenancy and specify an administrative fee for such processing, which will apply only if tenant requests it with a separate written document. Landlord must give tenant written notice of tenant's right to be present at a final inspection. If tenant finds the unit uninhabitable within 7 days of move-in, tenant may terminate and vacate; landlord must return the deposit within 15 days of receipt of the termination notice or tenant's vacating the unit, whichever is later.

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Wash. Rev. Code § 59.18.280

30 days, but if landlord retains the deposit for reasons unrelated to damages (such as for rent or other unpaid charges), landlord need not comply with checklist and documentation requirements.

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West Virginia

W.Va. Code § 37-6A-1

60 days from the date the tenancy has terminated.

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Wis. Stat. § 704.28; Wis. Admin. Code § 134.06

21 days

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Wyo. Stat. § 1-21-1208

30 days when applying security deposit to unpaid rent (or within 15 days of receiving tenant's forwarding address, whichever is later); additional 30 days allowed for deductions due to damage.

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