Union County Veterans Disability Lawyers

Rob Levine & Associates

For 20 years, Rob Levine & Associates has assisted the injured and the disabled across the country. As a former member of the RI National Guard, Rob Levine is committed to serving disabled veterans in their fight to obtain VA benefits.

Providence, RI

In addition to Veterans Disability, Rob Levine & Associates specializes in Social Security Disability, helping people nationwide. The firm also specializes in Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice, including car accidents, slip and falls, and dog bite injuries across Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.

Open for Business

Veteran Legal LLC

At Veteran Legal, we provide outstanding legal services to veterans by developing best-in-class legal arguments coupled with zealous and relentless advocacy to expeditiously win maximum disability benefits allowed by law.

Tampa , FL

Having successfully recovered tens of millions of dollars in backpay for our Nation's heroes, Veteran Legal uses a winning combination of deep expertise in VA law and passionate advocacy for each of our clients.

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