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Putnam County Probate Lawyers

Holmes & Young, P.A.

A FIRM WHOSE FOCUS IS YOU In all matters, we work closely with you throughout. We provide personalized service with professional representation and we are dedicated to achieving results.

Palatka, FL

Law Firm providing general legal services to Putnam County and surrounding counties including St. Johns, Flagler, Clay, Alachua and Marion counties. Our services include Estate Planning, Probate, Criminal Defense, General Civil Litigation, Government/Municipal Law, Business/Corporate Law, Real Estate, Family Law, Personal Injury/Accidents and Veteran's Issues.

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Offers Video Calls

atCause Law Office

We call ourselves the "Non-Stuffy Attorneys" because, well...that's exactly who we are. Though we don't take ourselves too seriously we do take great pride in delivering legal services that are above and beyond what is expected.

Clearwater, FL

Our attorneys may be educated with law degrees and higher education, but that doesn't mean we are "better than" you or anyone else for that matter. We treat our clients as we would want to be treated and we communicate with you as such.

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  2. Provide your contact information
  3. Choose attorneys to contact you