Siskiyou County Patents Lawyers

Maier & Maier, PLLC

Internationally Known and Respected Patent Lawyer

Alexandria, VA

Maier & Maier is conveniently located in Alexandria, Virginia next to the United States Patent and Trademark Office. We specialize in the practice of Intellectual Property including the traditional areas of patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

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Law Office of Michael D. Eisenberg

I specialize in Patents and Trademarks

Encinitas, CA

I serve individuals who want to protect their inventions, by guiding them through the patent and trademark process in the most economically efficient manner possible.

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Carson Patents

Carson Patents is a leading patent law firm specializing in providing comprehensive patent application services. With a focus on protecting new inventions and ideas, we offer expert assistance in securing patents for our clients.

San Diego, CA

Carson Patents is a leading patent law firm specializing in providing comprehensive patent application services. With a focus on protecting new inventions and ideas, we offer expert assistance in securing utility patents and design patents for our clients.

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Greenberg & Lieberman

Washington, DC

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