Facing Foreclosure? We've helped 75 clients find attorneys today.
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Alameda County Foreclosure Lawyers

Open for Business

Law Offices of Adela Ulloa

We are a boutique law firm specializing in aggressive litigation with an effective, cost-conscious approach to helping you save your home.

Phoenix, AZ

A HOME HAS NEVER SOLD ON OUR WATCH If you have an upcoming trustee sale, you need to go with someone with a proven track record.

Open for Business
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Law Office of E. Vincent Wood

WE SAVE HOMES! Stop Foreclosures, Stop Repossessions, Stop Lawsuits, Eliminate Credit Card Debt, Eliminate Medical Debt, Eliminate Payday loans and more.

Antioch, CA

If you're facing a foreclosure, you need an experienced, caring and dedicated bankruptcy lawyer on your side. You need The Law Offices of E. In a perfect world, financial hardships don't happen such as layoffs or business failures.

Law Office of Robert Chang

Are you experiencing mounting debt? Everyone deserves a second chance! Call 510-388-4866 Now for a Free Consultation.

San Leandro, CA

We are a full service law firm, that also offers unbundled legal services to manage costs for our clients. Areas of Law -Bankruptcy -Bankruptcy Chapter 7 -Bankruptcy Chapter 13 -Bankruptcy Collections -Bankruptcy Litigation -Bankruptcy Reorganization -Bankruptcy Taxation -Bankruptcy Trustees Rights -Commercial Bankruptc -Commercial Foreclosure -Commercial Insolvency -Commercial Recovery -Commercial Workouts -Consumer Bankruptcy -Creditor Bankruptcy -Debt Relief -Debtor Bankruptcy -Foreclosures -Insolvency -Out of Court Debt Restructuring -Personal Bankruptcy -Repossessions -Family Law -Alimony -Child Custody -Child Custody Mediation -Child

Estavillo Law Firm

We Fight For Your American Dream of Homeownership. The Law Offices of Jason W. Estavillo has an over 90% success rate at keeping people in their homes who were facing an imminent foreclosure.

Oakland,, CA

Jason W. Estavillo has an over 90% success rate at keeping people in their homes who were facing an imminent foreclosure. Due to our knowledge of the law, persistent discovery practices, winning focus, and experience utilizing expert witnesses we are champions in our field. Our record of success remains

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