Facing Foreclosure? We've helped 75 clients find attorneys today.
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San Diego County Foreclosure Lawyers

Open for Business

Law Offices of Adela Ulloa

We are a boutique law firm specializing in aggressive litigation with an effective, cost-conscious approach to helping you save your home.

Phoenix, AZ

A HOME HAS NEVER SOLD ON OUR WATCH If you have an upcoming trustee sale, you need to go with someone with a proven track record.

Sternberg Law Group- San Diego

DO NOT LOSE YOUR HOME TO FORECLOSURE! Each year millions of Americans are devastated by losing their family home to foreclosure. Many of these foreclosure are preventable. Sternberg Law Group will help you prevent your home from being foreclosed.

West Hollywood, CA

Sternberg Law Group will alleviate your emotional and financial stress associated with your foreclosure matter. We have more than 15 years of experience keeping our clients in their homes. Do not let your lender foreclose without first speaking to Sternberg Law Group. Do not let your lender bully you

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  1. Briefly tell us about your case
  2. Provide your contact information
  3. Choose attorneys to contact you