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Union County Auto Accident Lawyers

Stern & Stern LLP

Englewood Cliffs, NJ

Lowenthal and Abrams, P.C.

For over 40 years, we have been representing injury victims. Our team includes a lawyer/doctor and lawyer/nurse. Our practice includes Medical Malpractice, Wrongful Death, Car Accidents, PI, SSDI, Workers' Compensation. Offices in PA, NJ, NY.

New York, NY

Founded in 1975, the personal injury law firm of Lowenthal & Abrams has been assisting victims of negligence and abuse for almost 40 years. Our attorneys include a medical doctor and nurse, allowing us to quickly assess your case right in our offices. Our team of 14 attorneys is

Calcagno & Associates

Andrew Calcagno is an experienced, aggressive personal injury trial lawyer who has settled and won millions of dollars for his clients throughout New Jersey and New York.

Cranford, NJ

Calcagno & Associates is a client-centric firm; every single client gets Mr. Calcagno's personal attention. He is passionate about protecting the rights of people hurt by the negligent actions of others.

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