Mineral County Sexual Harassment Lawyers

Schrader Byrd & Companion, PLLC

Schrader, Byrd & Companion, PLLC, has a distinguished history of providing exceptional legal services for almost a century to clients in litigation, labor and employment, bankruptcy, real estate, estate planning, and other practice areas.

Wheeling, WV

We provide skilled legal services and representation in a cost-effective and efficient manner for individuals and businesses alike. The firm represents plaintiffs and defendants, buyers and sellers, debtors and creditors, lenders and borrowers, and testators and heirs.

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Hoosier Law Firm, PLLC WV

Work is our area of practice. Or, work-work as we say. If it happened your work, that's our work. Electrocution, explosions, toxic exposure, brain injury, loss of life, wrongful termination, sexual harassment, retaliation, not paid on time, etc

Charleston, WV

We do NOT represent corporations. Only people. People wronged by corporate interest, negligence, or otherwise harmed in any way. Electrocution, explosions, toxic exposure, brain injury, loss of life, wrongful termination, sexual harassment, retaliation, not paid on time, etc 18-wheeler accidents are usually no accident.

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