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Ventura County Personal Injury Lawyers

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West Hollywood Law Group

Wrongful Termination, Discrimination/Harassment During the Employment Relationship & Personal Injury/Worker's Compensation, Wrongful Death, Auto Accidents, Truck Accidents.

Beverly Hills, CA

Open for Business
Offers Video Calls

State Law Firm, Apc.

At State Law Firm, we provide you with a full service of satisfaction. If you're injured, there are enough people who would take advantage of your injuries; our experts in law are there to protect you and we don't get paid unless we recover.

Sherman Oaks, CA

At State Law Firm, we provide you with a full service of satisfaction. If you're injured, there are enough people who would take advantage of your injuries; our experts in law are there to protect you and we don't get paid unless we recover.

Mary Neifert

Westlake Village, CA

Law Offices of Deirdre Frank

Law Firm in Ventura, CA

Ventura, CA

The Law Offices of Deirdre Frank have litigated personal injury and workers' compensation cases on behalf of the injured since 1984. Since some of our clients remain off work for extended periods of time due to their disabilities, we also handle Social Security Disability claims.

Law Office of Robert M. Baskin

Success in handling personal injury claims for 30 years

Ventura, CA

OUR PROMISE TO OUR CLIENTSWe will treat you with the respect that every client deserves. We will keep you informed with regard to the factual and legal issues that arise in your case.

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