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Payette County Criminal Defense Lawyers

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Idaho Liberty Defense, PLLC

At Idaho Liberty Defense, we fight tirelessly to preserve and protect the rights of the accused. We specialize in Misdemeanors, Felonies, DUI's, Probation Violations, and Withheld Judgements. Contact us today for a FREE consultation.

Boise, ID

Karin's primary focus is representing the rights of the accused. She defends clients in all manners of offenses from misdemeanors to felonies. As a former prosecutor, Karin has significant court room experience and knows how to effectively challenge the State's evidence and try a case before a jury.

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Offers Video Calls

Belen Meyers Law

I am a Criminal Defense Attorney based in Idaho.

Meridian, ID

With a deep understanding of criminal defense law, I am dedicated to serving the residents of Idaho with unwavering commitment. Allow my expertise and experience to guide you through the legal process, ensuring that your rights are protected and your voice is heard.

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